(and a bit of 8th grade):
I was going to make these more clean and white, but ooooh those colours look so pretteh! *3*
The older pics are in the bottom right corner-ish...I feel like it's easy to tell.
Hopefully this gives some inspiration to people who were at my level in 9th grade.
Sorry it's not that bigggg...>3> I did so many sketches on the same page of paper for this year that you can barely see them...XD And I can't make it any bigger because theO won't let us post big pics in our worlds.
By the wayyy, speaking of nostalgia (sort, not really?)...
There was a song that I listened to when I was little and I couldn't remember it at all except that it had a nice chorus...and it was one of the only English songs I was listening to so it really stood out (listening on anime radio):
And now I've learned that whoever decided the songs for that radio really liked Noir 'cause I recognize most of the tracks from the OST even though I've never watched the anime nor have I listened to the OST...O.o;
Now I just need to figure out that Mexico song...
Where they sing 'MEXICO MEXICO'...where could that be from?! It's killing me...
I need to get into gear and do what I planned to do over this break, I already missed my dentist's appointment...>3>