This game looks like a combination of so many things and...ughh...it makes me want to so bad.
Then I read about Xenoblade Chronicles...and now I want that one so badly...Open World, so much freedom....;m;
Though APPARENTLY, I have no clue WHY this is but Xenoblade Chronicles, a game who's lowest rating is probably like and 8/10, is ONLY purchasable at gamestop. Not even online on gamestop.
I looked it up on amazon and they're selling it for $200....Unbelievable. Why American licensing company are you doing this to us?!
It's not a big deal, but meh....something about purchasing it at the stores makes the game feel dirty...'orz
I still want Zero's Escape...mehehehe....;m;
There's a new Zelda game coming out....I'm not so sure about it. Kinda looks like Oracle of Ages or Seasons and I wasn't exactly fond of those games. New Smash Bros. Game looks okay...I'm not a HUGE fan of the Smash Bros. games 'cause there's something about it...since you know the basic gameplay it doesn't feel secret or fun when you know that special move 'cause everyone knows that special move...'orz
The new Zelda Wind Waker remake thingy...meh...Though Satoru Iwata said that it will have some slight changes in the actual game. I wonder if that means the whole looking for the triforce pieces will be taken out, 'cause that felt like a waste of time...'orz XD The graphics...I don't see THAT much improvement, it just looks slightly different. It's a shame about these HD graphics. I really wish that they'd make a game to show as much of the HD graphics as possible. Make a really beautiful game! They're capable of it!
But I feel that MIGHT require a new series altogether. Or maybe a new F-zero game or new Metroid game or Custom Robo or something. I want to see as many little details as possible!
The new Mario game looks fun 'cause CATS!
I felt like the new Mario Kart 8 looks a lot like Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed...but then I guess it's still a lot like Mario Kart 8.
I'd like to see a new Mystical Ninja game...>3> There is so much potential for those games. Although there was a recent one, they tried to keep with the medieval japan feel...which is WRONG.
Mystical Ninja is a very colourful, funny, and playful game series. With all those colours it's easy to make a game with the technology now that would be wholly outstanding. Not only that, but most of the games have featured mini games or small activities or sidequests that I think would be really fun with online capabilities. It can be multiplayer again. It can have so many easter eggs and fun.
The music would be a challenge, but I feel like some remixes of some of the old songs would be best since they sound a bit too '90's...Maybe?
Look at that. If they updated it to nowadays, I can't even begin to imagine how great this game would be. (Don't watch the whole thing unless you want to, of course! XD Just look at the game play)
The one problem with the series is that it is very Japanese so it might not appeal to westerners. Culture shock, maybe. Which I think is a poor complaint. I played the series when I was too young to understand what Japan was and I LOVED this game.
Bah...this series....So much love...<333
One more thing to talk about....
Pokemon X and Y! :D
It's very intimate, I worry about the story...O.o; But it may be a REALLY good thing! But we can see the main character so closely that I want there to be a customization feature for them...;m; But that probably won't happen! XD
There's a new pokemon type! :D It's FAIRY TYPE.
Sounds sorta lame...but it's super effective against Dragon and at first I was skeptical then I realize 'FINALLY! I don't know WHAT to do when faced against a dragon pokemon!'...'orz Ice is...and Dragon....Pehh, ice. I dislike Ice type pokemon...>3> Ice, bug, and poison are not my favourites.
So if ice bug and poison exist it's totes fine to have a fairy type! :D
So the new Eevee type is fairy type. That's great and all...but there isn't a ghost type, dragon type, steel type, rock type, bug type, flying type, ground type, poison type, or fighting type Eevee and I'd really like to see an Eevee of every type of pokemon...;3; But now we have an Eevee of a NEW type...feehhh
I do actually like the petting and taking care of feature of the new X and Y games mainly because they SAY there are those features in the other games, but all you do is tap the pokemon....How is that petting at all? So boring! I liked those small extra games where you got to take care of pokemon, but I never bought them 'cause there not really worth my time...It's nice that it's just a feature in the new game!
I feel like the new games from Nintendo are much bigger than before. Just look at the new Fire Emblem game! There is soo much to do! You can continue battling and having fun with the game even when you're pretty much complete in your story.
I like how things are going! I hope for a continuously bright future for Nintendo~! <333