E-wan is waiting for Chocolat's story to end (so he can get Kumji and a happy ever after).
First you tell me 2 day shipping...and now it's been way more than 2 days and NO PACKAGE! You gaiz said it'd be here today at 8:00 pm...but nope. Nowhere to be seen.
Why does this always happen with amazon...
No, it's just with shipping in general...
I buy things online that I want...and I really really want them or else I would not have bought them.
So waiting for it is painful...'cause I know I just spent money on it...;3; And I want it...like I wanted it when I bought it...
In otha newsss...Kimi ni Todoke...
OMIGOSH! Sawako and I gotta be best buddies! ;3; I feel like we are the same person...;w;
I just watched the last episode of the first season and she was explaining when she was a little kid and her hobbies included playing different games that usually include two people by herself.
AMGASH! Soooo did IIIIII! :D Except she doesn't have any siblings and I do...O.o;
But when I was little my hobbies included:
Boardgames by myself
Multiplayer video games by myself (I'd play with both controllers)
Drawing by myself (durrr)
Solitaire (this was a favourite because I rarely played games that were solo games...;3;)
Playing with Barbies by myself (I don't think anybody'd want to play with the stories I was using with them...Each story always had a dungeon where I put the babies...clearly I did not like babies)
Watching movies by myself (pretty norm, but I watched a TON of them)
Circus tricks by myself (I'd try and do circus tricks or run on the balance beam or something)
It's not really that I didn't want to play with somebody, I did, but I don't think anybody wanted to play with me. I'm a stubborn person so whatever I want to play I want to play and I will play even if I'm the only one doing it! >:[
Hrmmm...what else...what else...
Only one person told me she was afraid of me, and I don't know if there were any rumors of me, but besides all that I've always been a shy person like Sawako and I'm not very good in social situationsss...Having the same thinking as Sawako, even though it's extreme...Now I know I've been acting silly! XD
I'm like Sawako, but not as nice~! :D
I'm more shy becauseee...I'm a judgmental person...sometimes I think badly of people for small reasons, and then I become even more shy because what if I do those same things. Shouldn't I be hated then?
So I shouldn't be so judgmental...
At least, I think that's why I'm shy? I don't want to be hated...even though I easily hate others...'orz
Another difference/similarity is volunteering to do something nobody else wants to do. I only do things other people want to do, or go against the flow of the classroom. I don't know why I do this, I've always just suddenly wanted to disagree with people.
Like if everyone wants to sayyy play a prank on some person, I'll be the only one who wouldn't. On top of that I'd probably give it all away. Not sure why I do that.
Staying on that subject.
Since going against the current, or not playing along, etc. is apart of me...like my own sort of conscious...I've never thought of treason as a bad thing. I don't understand why it's wrong or why people get such huge penalties (death) for doing so.
In the case of Mr.Snowden...why is he seeking asylum in other countries? How is he being treasonous? If he's letting out information the government doesn't want people to know and disrupting something, then he's just being a twerp.
I can understand having a group of friends and one of them turns around and starts saying bad things about that group of friends and stops being friends with them, I understand it's hurtful, but sometimes that just happens.
By that just happens, I don't even know how to describe it. Being the type of person who WOULD do that...just leave it be and go on with your life.
I can also understand having sayy...in the middle of the war the opposing side gets information about how to wipe out your side because of somebody working for your side. I mean, it's hurtful and a jerky move...It also gives the other people paranoia...but you can become paranoid from everything. Trusting people is nice, but if you can't trust them, doesn't mean the other person should die.
Maybe it's this way...If you didn't want it to get out, then it shouldn't have been done. You shouldn't even be fighting a war in the first place. You shouldn't be doing pranks in the first place. Maybe the group of friends weren't treating each other equally.
I think the same way somebody would get a kick out of pranks I get a kick out of stopping them. Breaking things like that through betrayal is the easiest way to do that.
OKIE DOKIE! Sorry for the rant...I hope I somehow don't get in trouble for saying that...again, I don't understand why it is so bad. I'd really like a good explanation WHY it deserves punishment.
You would killing a man for killing several people AND kill a man for being a jerk? Jerks and murderers shouldn't be compared. One is annoying, another is fearsome.
Okay Chocolat....where are ya?
I'm gonna draw some moar stuff until I get tired and go to sleep and hopefully it'll be there tomorrow....>3>
NIGHTY NIGHTY NIGHTY NIGTHY...KJSNKDLFLK...................................................................................................