I read it...
I read it all...;3;
That last 3 volumes of Chocolat. I feel complete now....Not, really, I'm just kidding.
It was like a totally different manhwa...At some times I was like 'what am I reading? Who is this? This isn't E-soh, this isn't E-wan'...it was like their personalities switched.
I can understand now why it was hard for them to end it...I mean, how in the world could Kum-ji and E-wan possibly end up together if E-soh still likes her and Barbie's hanging around?
...But still...I prefer the wide open endings of Seiyuu Ka-! to this...though with Seiyuu Ka-!...still shouldn't have ended so quickly 'cause yeah, we know they like eachother and he somewhat confessed (not really) but there were other characters that liked Hime, how'd they deal with it?!
But the last 3 volumes should've just been one volume. It just got so...very Korean...I mean, very much like Korean dramas. SOMEBODY has to almost die...>3> Or a character has to have a dramatic change around...
Reading Chocolat makes me think about how great Kimi ni Todoke is. Wow. The art isn't perfect in either, but the writing in Kimi ni Todoke is to a different level.
Kimi ni Todoke, the manga, is and example of really well written manga. It's got a lot glittery tones and shoujo faces and whatever, but the writing itself is sooo correct. I can relate to it PERFECTLY. The pacing is very slow, which is actually good because...quick relationships really don't make any sense realistically...
Fast relationships...in real life...shouldn't happen.
I have friends in my class who are already getting married to a person they couldn't have known for more than 2 years. 2 years is enough to get to know a person, not to marry them.
I remember my friend making fun of my teacher because she was engaged to a guy for more than 10 years and just this year they got married. I think that's how it should go. Know them for 10 years, then you'll know if you want to spend the rest of your life with them.
One other thing...this is about shoujo manga...or most things about 'love'...
This really bothers me, though I think it's sweet and I'm all for reading manga where it happens...but blushing and your heart beating DOES NOT MEAN YOU ARE IN LOVE.
Count how many people that you've felt like that towards. Are you in love with all them? Are you so in love with them that you are willing to die for them? Or you so in love with them that not having them there is suffocating?
Well, then you're in love, but if not you just have a crush. It bothers me in manga where they wise person always explains to the person who doesn't understand what it is to love someone that they are in love with that person.
And then it all flows in the direction of love.
Is that realistic? No.
I don't remember which manga or drama or whatever (I have a feeling it was Meteor Garden, but things get all muddled with all other things I've watched), but they said something soooo very correct. You may feel head over heels for a person and completely absorbed in them, but then 4 years later you don't feel the same way because what you experienced was a crush.
I've never been in love, but I at least know when I have a crush. Well, actually that's not true. I've been in love with my cat...a very very deep love that hurts when I think that she's not here anymore...what hurts even more is that somebody who has lost somebody they've loved as much as I've loved my cat don't want to here a bit of my empathizing because the thing I loved was not human.
But enough of this...I seriously rant WAYYYYYYYYY too much....
Basically I'm just saying that I finished reading Chocolat, my first physically complete series...and now that that's done I can go onto other things and maybe do chap 3 or even 4 of Idolling. Chap 3 is a bit boring to me, but chap 4 is gonna be exciting! >:D