moonlit dream's short story (not by definition short story, but it is literally a SHORT story) makes me want to write a story, too.
I feel like it would help my storyless characters...;3; Buuuuuuttttttt....That'll never happen, yo. XD
It would also help in practicing writingggg...:D But I doesn't know.
I keep thinking 'Maybe I should post some light novel-esque stories and have you gaiz critique them or somethin'' BUUUUUUTTTTT....That'll never happen, yo....
The thing is, I write Idolling in a light novel-esque format and then I make it into a manga format~! :D But the problem is that my light novel-esque format is really hard to read because it's written terribly and the worst part is the most important part of comics: The dialogue.
Freakin' dialogue...ughhh...I don't understand it. This is because I don't talk to people~! :D Nah, I kid. But I'm usually too worried about what I'm going to say rather than what they're saying...Instead of noticing the structures of the speakings habits I instead try and figure out why they are saying what they are saying and what they are saying and how I should respond...
Guuh blughhh...
I dunno...would it be a good idea to do light novel-esque posts?
I AM writing a story though...but I dunno if I should post it...or think about getting it published. I want to put my life into it! >:o As would be my life's work...not really....the first part of my life's life's work. I don't really want to be a writer who writes a bunch of different novels, I just want to write this one get it published and be done with it because I've had this idea for a while.
I think I've talked about it before...
It's about this boy who goes an ADVENTURREEE to find Candy Island with his friend K'nuckles annnddd....
Wait, no, that's The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack...hrmmm...
My story is about this boy who tries to save the world he is living in that has become infected by some sort of plague that turns people into demons or just makes demons exist and multiply.
The plot itself is simple, but it's got oh so many layers. Like the narrator is a secret because it's none other than BLAH person and this is important to the theme BECAUSE some reason and blah blah blah.
It's like an epic fantasy on the surface and murder mystery psychological thriller underneath. By underneath I mean...I mean...leikkkk...the twist is that all along you were reading a murder mystery psychological thriller when you thought you were reading an epic fantasy...:D
Yep. That's all I'll say because I totally just majorly spoiled, not really because you don't know who killed who or what in the world I'm talking about~! ;D
I want to say more, but I'm unsure of what is a spoiler and what isn't. Basically I'm trying my best to create a new kind of fantasy novel something that reflects the origins of a fantasy story, to cover over the bad realities.
I've been thinking of this story for a while. Originally it was just about this girl who kills these people out of vengeance and then gets lost in a forest of magical spirits and what-not and somehow comes out as royalty in the end...O.o;
When I was little my stories always had to do with everyone dying...XD Or just people dying in general.
Same thing happening in this story, but for a purpose, mon! >:-
Okay, okay, gaiz...I'm ranting here.
I want to write a light novel-esque thingy ma doo with meh characters, but I dun'know even where to start...and there are so many things I want/should be doing already...
SCHEDULING TAIM~! :D This is where I make a schedule that I will probably barely follow, but it puts me at peace for doing it anyways because I might follow it?
Sooo would joo gaiz be interested?
I'd have leik stories about Klan and peeps...But no Seiichi Tadao stuff because they actually belong in a big story and would be hard to write a short light novel-esque story about.
Probs won't do it, but heyyy...
I gotta spam you with posts somehowww~! :D