I watched it all today! ;3;
I couldn't help it, I really wanted to see them meet of with Hiroshi at the end! ;3;
Although as it went on, I cared less for a happy ending...in fact, I couldn't see that coming...Though I'd say it was a bittersweet ending.
The anime as I whole I really really enjoyed. It wasn't mind blowingly awesome, but it did give me warm fuzzies~! X3
It's really unique as an anime because it's setting is taken from different latin cultures. It gives such a completely different feel from other anime which is hard to describe....It sort of leans on the side of Boondocks because there is a lot of violence and the facial expressions are drawn so well, but Boondocks has a n entirely different feel...since Boondocks is a comedy...;orz
I really enjoyed the setting~! It was different each episode which made for a great experience.
The animation was SUPERB. It was an action adventure anime so they went all over the place and had some really good car chase scenes.
The characters are all very unique and unusual for your typical anime. Specifically the character of Satoshi Batista: Was he a good or bad guy? I mean, he was ruthless and terrifying, but he still protected Hatchin and never did anything particularly terrible to the main characters so does that make him a good guy? I liked that blending of lines. This was not a black and white anime at all and though essentially predictable (we all know they'll find Hiroshi in the end) it had many times of unpredictability which made me want to continuously watch the anime.
I want to see more anime like this that are ethnically diverse or with a latin feel. I really love Latin cultures so this was a great watch for me simply based on that reason~! :D
In conclusion, I recommend this anime 100%!
Things to be wary of: Violence and sexual content are on high
If you don't feel comfortable with a super sexy main character, sexual themes, and ceaseless amount of violence then this probably is not the anime for you (if you inevitably do watch this and you are this time of person don't thumb down the anime because of those reasons, I feel I see that a lot with more mature anime)
Speaking of sexual content and a super sexy main character, there actually wasn't any fan service. I'm surprised that I'm surprised about that! XD It has a good story, well animated, well written, interesting character designs, amazing backgrounds, and overall it is a great GREAT anime!
This post made me think...should I post some serious reviews of anime? I attempted doing that for movies, but I don't know enough about films to criticize it intelligently, but anime is on a different boat since I understand most of what goes into anime.
I would post them in my Listopia world.
I debated whether or not to watch this anime all today because I could watch it all or do something more productivveee...? But since it's Sundaaayyy~! :d Yeah, that's my excuse...I'll go into the corner and work on the next chapter of Idolling now...'orz
A song before I go:
I feel like I've posted this before, but I'm not sure. It would've been years ago. I remember listening to this song all the time, but since my computer lost it's operating system (in the war) I no longer had the song, so after all this time I finally looked it up and my ears bled with joy (because the body definitely does that).