Stolen from True Story 'cause copy and paste exists!
[ ] You carry a mirror everywhere.
[ ] You carry beauty supplies everywhere. (EVERYWHERE...? Like in a purse? I don't...USE a purse, so, nope)
[ ] You put others down.
[ ] You flaunt or brag about yourself.
[ ] The only topic that interests you is you.
[ ] You don't listen to others problems. (I do 'cause I like hearing them because I can usually use their problems as inspiration for something...*3* Unless it's their 'problems' which I disagree with like that their parents are jerks and won't let me use my phone or something. Nope, if I were your parents I'd take your phone, too)
[ ] You wear booty shorts. (Booty butt cheeks! Actually I do, but not in public...instead as pajamas~! :D)
[x] You wear makeup.
[x] You enjoy attention. (To a certain degree, yes. Doesn't everyone? But I don't enjoy bad attention or the kind where the people are like 'You do THAT?!')
[y] You like to do things YOUR way and YOUR way only. (If somebody has a better idea then I'll go with that, but I prefer my way)
Result: 2.5
[ ] You feel negative about your body image. (Psshhh, nawww...Not with kawaii anime characters floating around. If I cared about the 'sexy' image maybe I would.)
[x] You don't have a lot of money.
[ ] You don't have good grades.
[x] You're insecure. (Pretty much, it's hard to be around people. EVERYONE MUST LIKE ME! TT^TT)
[x] Your living conditions aren't the best. (Yeah, they aren't the best. This could mean anything really.)
[x] You cry a lot. (If you knew me in real life you would probably think of me as 'that one girl who is always crying'...half the time people think I'm about to cry when I'm no where near crying)
[y] You are bullied. (Sort of? Yes? It's not the kind of 'gimme your lunch money punk' or anything, but it was enough to make me cry myself to sleep every night. I don't like being laughed at. I'm not good with jokes about me.)
[x] You've never been in a real relationship or have been in a bad one. (I'm scared, man)
[x] You don't attract all the girls/boys. (How would I know if I did?)
[ ] You think everyone else has better things. (Things? No. I mean, I use COPICs and they use Prismas...pshhh)
Results: 6.5
[ ] You eat a lot.
[ ] You always get more than what you need.
[ ] You always have snacks around your house. (Nuu, and I am dying of something crunchy. We sometimes have some almonds or walnuts...but then I eat them and they are gone so then I have to wait the next few months for more)
[ ] You drink a lot. (I need to drink more liquids...'orz)
[ ] You always have a granola bar or something in your purse.
[ ] You hide food.
[ ] You binge-eat.
[ ] You are normally warm. (I'm normally cold)
[ ] You can crack a lot of your bones. (What does this have to do with gluttony? My brother can! :D)
[ ] You often say, "I'm starving...."
Results: 0 (Haha! XD First time on one of these quizzes!)
[ ] You are very sexually active. (Yes I am, to pedophiles...:D Nah, if I was I wouldn't want to know)
[ ] You have had three or more girlfriends or boyfriends.
[ ] You wear matching underwear.
[ ] You wear a lot of makeup.
[x] You have fetishes. (I would say noses, but truthfully it's vein-y hands with large fingernails. Sounds gross, but makes my heart pound...;3;)
[x] You have looked up porn. (Accidentally...Mai Hagiwara is the name for a kawaii jpop idol and a porn star! :D FUN FACTS!)
[x] You are a fan of Yaoi or Yuri. (Meh, I guess so.)
[x] You have "fantasized" (Who doesn't? A boring person that's who!)
Results: 4
[x] You have not had a real relationship.
[ ] You go to anger management classes or used to.
[ ] You have to take special pills. (If I did then...nothing would happen because I don't know how to 'take pills')
[ ] You are aggressive. (I recently took a quiz thing on this and it said that I was not the least bit aggressive and that I should probably try to be more aggressive....'orz)
[x] You hate someone. (Hate, fear, same thing)
[ ] You have hurt someone - physically or mentally. (I am incapable of doing so. Maybe mentally, but I don't want to do that to someone)
[y] You back-talk people. (I put 'y' because if I have I'm not entirely sure because nobody referred to it as back-talk, but I will inquire if they seem to be very unfair)
[ ] You have gotten detention before. (Omigosh! I haven't?! :D YAYY!!)
[ ] You get into fights - verbal or physical. (I debate but I don't fight...I can't think of a time that I have.)
[ ] You are strong. (That's a GREAT joke! XD)
Results: 2.5
[x] You often buy things.
[x] You [often] WANT instead of NEED. (Yepp, vidya games...I want choo sooo baaadddd....;3;)
[x] You have expensive things.
[ ] You put yourself before others. (I thought about this for a while, I don't think so...if you want to go eat pizza and I want to go eat tacos then I will go eat pizza)
[x] You can tend to be a little rude. (If it's a little I guess so. I try not to be, but occasionally I slip.)
[ ] You don't try to save money. (I do, but most of the time my mom wants me to spend it so that she doesn't have to worry about it being there...but in video games...ohohoho...)
[ ] You own more than two cars.
[ ] You own more than two credit cards.
[y] You always have to look the best. ('the best'? I try to look 'my best')
Results: 4.5
[x] You don't do gym in school or don't try in gym. (I think I would if the people in there were fun and friendly and not competitive and scary and if we didn't constantly play kick ball)
[ ] You don't have the best grades. (Nuuu...;3; I have the best grades! XD I kid, I'm only 7th in me class, but they aren't bad grades.)
[x] You procrastinate. (On things I want to do.)
[ ] You go to bed at ten p.m. (More like 3 am! XD But that's only for the summer, I usually go to be at 9))
[ ] You often take naps. (I can't take naps. Sleeping for me is either 9-15 hours or no sleep at all)
[ ] You fall asleep in classes.
[x] You're often called lazy. (By my mom! :D And art teacher, but she calls everyone lazy, so it's no big deal)
[ ] You don't participate in class. (I'm leik the only one ever doing anything and one time I actually started crying because nobody in my group helped me when we did our presentations and I didn't want them to think that I was the one doing on the work and I didn't let them participate...Our end result was really crappy because of that, too)
[ ] You do the minimum amount of work.
[ ] You seldom go to church. (I never go to church. Spirituality is pointless to me, especially when its other people tell me what to think.)
Results: 3
Envy? ENVY?! Okay! XD I feel this just has to do with my feelings right now...because I'm really envying the people on Nico Nico...I want to do that, too, but I have zero confidence! 'orz