
I've been addicted to Kikuo songs!

This one is just really addicting (not a great representation of their music, but freaking catchy):

I had two tests and a presentation today! Sheesh, it's done! Whooooo

I also had work for 5 hours straight so I did the majority of my homework for the week so I can relax a bit tomorrow.

It's not like I haven't been drawing or anything. I try to draw a quick sketchy coloured pic at least every week.

I did two yesterday ('cause I studied until I could study no more, so I drew for a few minutes):

It looks much better from far away...but I enjoyed putting random colours down! XD

Welp, that's it joo gaiz...sorry for the neglect...;3;

If it makes you feel better I am more active on theO~! :D


Anybody else find the new Korra episodes to be fairly...bland...with sub par animating except during action scenes? Maybe that's just because I'm watching it in HD this time on my computer, but looks really bad and awkward...

Okie dokesters...ADIOSSS~!!!
