Listening to Morning Musume's Man Power...I blame that.....
I wanted to do a sketch dump...but then I realized that it was night time and I didn't take any new pictures of my sketchbook...;orz
So I will show you what I've been working on in the mean time!
I just did four new drawings. I redid two characters....well, actually, all of these are old characters.
I never really liked Yukiko's design that much. I liked the idea of Yukiko (and her hair colour...a lot of thought was put into her hair colour), but that design was SUPAH plain. It was supposed to be like a magical girl, but I can't come up with magical girl clothing designs or else they'll end up looking like Sailor Moon outfits. I looked at several magical girl outfits...they all were the same essentially, but they had unique differences that made the outfits catchy. In other words, if I can't go big with anything, I was just stumped for designs.
But I had an epiphany! Morning Musume has neato outfits that are pretty much magical girl style. ALL ALONG...IN FRONT OF MY EYES....;m; So, inspired by Morning Musume's latest style of half skirts that might ruffle on one side but be straight on the other, or be pants on one side and be skirt on the other....I did this!
I might fix her skirt a bit to make it more obvious that the fabric and sewing has changed to a different style of skirt.
I redid Reese's design. My friend helped me a tad...just by saying his last design looked funky! XD I feel he looks rich and eccentric...a bit too cowboy for me...but then not so cowboy at the same time? I also darkened his skin. I darkened all my character's skin because I came to the realization that most people in this world are not as pale as me...I kept making them in the spectrum of my own skin colour...O.o;
I just redid Tadao's jacket. It looks more like a jacket now. HUZZAH!! I think that was what I was going for all this time...I dunno why I kept drawing funky looking jackets. I thought I could design a cool jacket for some reason...>3>
Who is that new female OC? She's actually not new! :D She's a redesign of this really really old character of mine:
'Rin Hatoshi' I dunno if Hatoshi is a real name...for some reason Rin Hatoshi seemed like a good name at the time, as if it already existed...But I will call her Rin Hirabayashi for now.
She's the Seiichi's therapist who may be more than just a therapist. As in story-wise, not jobwise....Not like at night she's actually Batman or something. Nah bro, she's really just a therapist, but because of that she's quite an important character. Pretteh much like a law enforcer in this webcomic 'o mine.
I really like how her head came out. I dunno how I did that, but I like it! ;D
I want to design more characters...but I don't think I should until I get to new characters in the plot....XD These are all the main characters in the plot so far (besides Seiichi). Oh no wait, I'm forgetting somebody majorly important...but this is because I dunno how to draw him at all...I dunno how I want him to look....>3> He is secretly also an old character, but from a different perspective entirely so he's pretty much new.
I might design a few more characters and post them here while I work out fleshing out the story, setting, and characters and re-writing the chapters enough to where they sound good enough and then start drawing out the pages! ;D