I copied a page from Berserk~! It was very educational! See them side by side! *3*
I will probably do the next page...I want to do something else, though 'cause this is super challenging! XD But that'd be wimpy and I learned so much just from this page, I will probably learn even more from the next one! This one didn't have any SFX in it, but the next page does.
It was mainly figuring out hatching and toning techniques.
In other newssss~
Another manga idea~! :D I need to stop...really...;orz But I've realized if I prepare a lot of comic ideas and the right contest comes by for it then I can enter it in there and maybe it will end up being something more serious than a doujin?
My other idea is kinda similar to past ideas I've had...but I am really stuck on it. I am not sure if I should make it a sci-fi with fantasy elements, or just a fantasy.
I want it to be a medieval fantasy sort of setting, but if I make it a sci-fi I feel like I could be more creative with the setting.
My idea is basically that there are people with water instead of blood that exist in the same world as humans who need water to survive. They fight for their lives in a barren land, one side struggling to stay hydrated.
I was thinking of making the people with water for blood either androids, aliens, or faeries...but I can't figure it out which one works better. I make too many androids...but androids...;m; I was also thinking of making them some sort of man-made organism that doesn't need to consume water to survive, but instead eats earth in order to stay solid or something. That would bring in question the reason why they were made. Were they made to quench the thirst of the red blooded humans who would inevitably be in need of resources, or to make a type of human to continue the line of humanity.
Of course, I could still use that and make it feel like a fantasy-like setting, with sci-fi realities...??? I dunno, but I like the idea as some sort of metaphor...for something...either it's war or just the circle of life...but I like the imagery I am seeing.
And with thattt....