So'p (new word, just brings about the feels of right, and welp isn't a word either'p)
I haven been on here in FOREVER!
I feel so bad, just when I was complaining about nobody being on here...;m;
My excuse is just school...
And also that I like to look at all the stuff in my feed and also commenting on it if I can, but I subscribe to too many people to be able to do that..;orz Eventually it becomes overwhelming, especially with homework.
So I have been ignoring theO once that stuff started piling up and I had so much homework...
I opened up Chromium today to find that all my tabs were closed...sooooooo...By reflex I just logged on here again and I feel so bad that it even got that bad! ;m;
Not only that but I was reading multiple let's plays and now I don't know where I am in the let's plays! ;m; NUUUU
I think I will just go over a few things in my feed...Sorry if I don't get to anything you probably actually care about and missed a lot of stuff or something...I blame school...
Also I still haven't finished the first chapter of that manga I be talking about. 'cause I am sooo freaking lazy..blah...I keep moving the deadline. Also homework. It's not really my priority right now 'cause homework....and when I was trying to work on homework, comics, and dance it got really stressful so I had to no be so strict. I have half of it done, and I realized the action scenes are really bad so I have been researching and studying actions scenes from manga to figure out how to make it better.
Biggest problem I am facing is that my art style keeps changing for each page...;m; STAHP IT MEEE...;M;
Right now I am sick....with something....My friend had mono, and I hope I don't have mono either...but ya never know. I don't share food or water with anyone so it's very unlikely...
Welp, I'll go get on that looking through my feed thing...but I will probably have terrible comments 'cause I have a terrible headache and feel all loopy and dizzy...Had a presentation today that I have been worrying about for weaks and just did something then. Dunno if I even spoke in English...
Also wanna play some vidya games....>3>
Oh and Psycho Pass recently has been INSANE! ;M;