Fishing phishing fishing

I wanted to say 'gone fishing' but that would be a misleading title. Therefore I made a meaningless title~ :D

I just came back from NEW YORK! :D *fanfare*

I forgot to say anything at all about this on the internet.

I think it might just be because I just came back from Japan...but I was not excited about this trip nor did I have the best time. It was fun hanging out with my friend but I saw it more as an opportunity to do new things and eat nice food while hanging out with my friend.

However I was the one to ask to go home early which I feel a bit bad about...because she wanted to stay there. She is from New York but had to move to the crappy state where we live because of her parents (just like meee~).

I don't have too much to say but ever since that...I just feel kinda tired...I mean I came back on Friday night. I didn't do anything saturday or sunday or even today...;orz

Meh I think I am just tired from waaayyy too much travel and stuff this year. I needz a break....

I realize I don't really like traveling. Which is weird 'cause I loved Japan and peeps are always like 'well why do you want to go back and live in Japan then? Why do you like that experience more than others?' cause it just fits me in the strangest way...

I feel the most comfortable in Japan. I feel like I can be myself in Japan to a certain extent. My Japanese isn't the best so I can't explain my feelings all the time or have the deepest conversations, but I'm working on it. However when it comes to everyday living it makes me feel super comfortable.

Well you can tell I am clearly not over having left to Japan...ever since I did I just haven't been myself. I can't concentrate at all and I can't do any of the things I wanted to do...>3> I just want to sleep or watch videos on youtube...

Welp I'ma make meself do stuff! I mean I literally have to do or next semester will be hell.

I talked to Jamie Lynn Lano, the girl who was a manga assistant for Prince of Tennis to ask how she got her visa and all that jazz because that was the main problem I was having. Basically I learned I need to a job in Tokyo first and then I can search for manga assistant jobs.

Also according to the editor at Shueisha I talked to I need to participate in amateur awards contests. I was stupid and forgot to check pixiv for contests and I see that I mostly missed the Shounen Jump contest...>3>

So basically I just need to put my nose the grind stone with studying Japanese, working on resumes, working on applications, and working on manga...

But it's so mach and I feel so lazyyy...

Or mainly I dislike everything I write...but I think I just need to throw that out the window and draw.

I am wondering if the problem might be that I write the dialogue first...maybe I should write the dialogue while I am writing the name's...because if I write the dialogue firs then I have to translate it and then it sounds weird and gets too long and then I can't fit it on the page neatly...

So I will try that with some of my stories.

I just looked over my Word doc for the stories I would like to write and I got like 9 now...;orz

I'ma finish one 'o them at least! XD I think I should do as many as I can because if one ends up being bad then I can make the next one better! This is my plan.

Although 30 pages is a bit much...I might make some shorter...

Actually I feel energized just writing this!

Gonna go make a to-do list and schedule for how to do stuff and hopefully I will do stuff. No more going with the flow!


I'ma leave you gaiz wit some morning musume 'cause I love this music video and song and le choreography~ <333
