Webcomic idea!

Sorry for so many posts this week...this is the only one that should be posted. The other ones are just me going insane...XD

I have been getting ready and packing for my last year in college!

It's been slow because I forgot how to pack for a year instead of a few months or a week....

This year is going to be weird for me because applications. Which I have complained about earlier. And all my class this year are ART CLASSES! HUZZAH! Now I sure do feel like an art major. I am excited to have my brain go into the zone better instead of being confused in frustrated. I know that'll happen anyway, but still. Also they all start in the middle of the day~ No morning classes~ Same building~

Then some of my friends from Japan are coming as exchange students and I finally get to see them again once I go back~ Excited for these things...

However I just got a message from one of my best friends that she won't be coming this semester because he parents got divorced and she felt it would be best to stay with them. Which is so sad, and I hate that that happened to her family because they were really tight-knit...it must be terrible for her..

But on my end...she was the only one I could think of doing fun stuff with....;m; Now all my ideas for this year are out the window....TT^TT

This also means I only have 5 friends still on campus including the Japanese student....;m; This means I have to make friends I forgot how (which is totally not true since I made several friends this year)...so it's gonna be a scary and lonely year and I hope I don't bother the Japanese students too much...I hung out with one of them a lot when I was in Japan so I guess it'll be the same as when I was in Japan? XD


Anyway....As I was packing I found some weird things....like a dead lizard in my candle holder (my friend tells me it is probably the circle of life going on in there...;m; )..

But I also found some of my notes about shoujo stuffs and ideas for characters and whatever...

And I have been wanting to write a simple webcomic that can go on forever that will be written simply mainly 'cause I don't have much confidence as a writer and I want to work on that. So the pictures won't be so great and just like sketches with panels and stuff...(inspired by One's One Punch Man by the way) But lots of updates. Like I should write a page a day...

I wanted to do some sort of action comedy and I have an idea for one, but I would like that to be well constructed and cleanly drawn...So I was trying to come with other ideas that might be interesting for an online audience that would be fun to draw every day and not worry so much about how it looks as well as allowing me to draw bishounens...

The stuff that comes easiest to me is shoujo manga just because I know at the dokidoki kyun moments. Whereas seinen or shounen stuff feels much more complex to me...

So here's my idea and please let me know if there is manga already like this or if it is at all interesting:

Everybody falls in love, but the duration for that love is random, some short some long. Some people have a connection that can last a really long time. Our main character has one person who is their true love meaning that their love will last forever. However she never knows when she will meet this person. She is given a special watch that tells her the time limit for her to meet this person before they are too far away to meet again. The watch works like a gps of the heart and the closer they are the longer the time limit.

So they can be physically far away, or perhaps that person is dating other people and becomes further away from the main character that way.

The main character struggles with her urge to find him or just moving on in life.

What do you think? Interested in reading a webcomic like this?

The idea is to have her try and figure out who it is who is her true love. This means they also like her but they may or may not have realized this.

I have always wanted to write a romance manga almost like a murder mystery so that is the inspiration for it. Because I think that is why I even like romance manga, because it's always the 'do the really like each other?' thing going on, especially when it's a love triangle then you are alike 'who is she going to end up with' just like 'who is the killer?' when there are two suspects. So that is also what I am going for. Murder mystery with more doki doki kyun, pretty boys, romance, less murder.

Yap so that's the idea. I will probably try and make myself write a few pages a day or something like that. It'll help with my own productivity and practice storytelling to where it becomes natural. It won't be in Japanese which is the only problem for me. Maybe I can translate it one day or something? I'unno...

Should I make it more realistic or add supernatural elements...that is something else I don't know...>3>

Welp I'll continue fleshing out this idea and maybe make it a plan for this year. I know I will be really busy, but it isn't so hard to spend just a day working on a page or two.

Thanks for reading~

