A Dream, A Birthday, and A Whole Lotta FE!

Okay, so I just wanted to say, my birthday's tomorrow...and I don't think my parents are going to get anything because I just told them that they could buy the stuff I wanted locally at GAMESTOP(Love that plays unless it's filled with Microsoft and Sony n00bs). I don't want it to be tomorrow since it's a school day and nobody knows when my birthday is(because they never asked). Also, my parents asked me what I wanted to eat for my birthday dinner, I asked for lobster and they laughed at me. They gave my dad lobster, not me, that's so unfair!! And then my mom asked me where she could buy my presents and I said the mall in some city near us(since there is no mall where I live) and she yelled at me. I'm kinda sad right now, well, that's about it of my birthday information. Now onto my dream!

Okay, I've been having these EXTREMELY odd series of dreams. It started out when I was dreaming of Harvest Moon, thinking up a new town and everything, and then my Harvest Moon character(the one in Exciting Animal March) went to this place that popped into my head, a swamp. There, there was huge pink and white mansion. I snuck inside(because there were security guards) to see what was in it and there was this family and REALLY pretty people. There was a teen girl, a young boy, an dark man, and a teen with bright orange hair. It was really weird. So, as all Harvest Moon games go you have an introduction and everything. Well, in their introduction they told me that they were halfies, meaning that they were half human half animal. It started getting dark after that, so I tried to leave, but they told me: Now that you know what we are we can have you leave. Your knowledge will have that witch chasing after you just as she is after us. You'll have to live with us now, in the old castle-like house. So, then I woke up. Then I went to sleep last night and I had the dream again, only it was continued. Since living in that house my character has become more familiar with the family. Now I knew that the girl was a bunny, the little boy was a cat, and the others I as still waiting to figure out who they were. Then we began talking and the guy with the orange hair told me he wanted to show me a trick, so he squeezed his nose and out came a horn out of his fore head. My character giggled(I wouldn't have!) and everyone began laughing. Turns out he's a unicorn. Still, I don't know what the black haired guy is. Well, the bunny girl went out into the swamp and saw a giant orb in the center of it, showing the witch they were talking about awakening and her puppets dancing around. She ran back to the house, keeping it to herself and they all began playing tag until there was a knock on the door. The girl went to see who it was and it was a sick teen and his younger brother. They asked for a phone and a nurse and the girl invited them in. Suddenly their heads were chopped off by somebody behind them and it turned out to be the witch's minions. Pushing the dead out the door the girl saw thousands of sick looking people and she started freaking out, calling the rest of her family. Then another of the witch's minions came, it looked like an octopus, and it started shredding up the people. The girl closed the door and ran into the courtyard to their safety. Then everything was calm again and the young cat boy said ," They'll be coming again, in the mean time, we should learn not to run,' and everyone nodded. Then I woke up. I'll tell you how it ends, IF it ends.

Then lastly, I should tell you that I've begun a manga-ish thing with not necessarily, GOOD art, it's just really quickly drawn, well it's about Fire Emblem and it's a comedy. As soon as I can upload stuff I will upload it. It's called Fire Emblem: Full Metal Radiance, because lots of funny stuff starts with Full Metal, it's an action-ish thing, everyone is wearing SOMETHING made out of metal, and it's based off of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, both with some form of Radiance in the name. It'll just be about the same characters, saying different things than they usually do and there'll be two new characters. One is a FE fan(like me, but isn't me) and another Laguz who follows her. That's about it...-_-; Time to go back to sleep...

WAIT!! I have to watch Indiana Jones first, the new one, it's very boring, I've already seen it before, but my mom didn't see it and we're just gonna watch it again. And that one girl in the new movie Push with the black hair, if they ever make a Hell Girl live action movie she HAS to be Enma Ai, even if she's way older than her.
