I'm "Slowly...Gradually..." learning Japanese! ^ ^ I've figured this out since I've been watching "Behind the Scenes" stuff from H!P and actually understand what they're saying. Most of it's Kawai ne and yadda yadda, but there's some other stuff, too. But I keep forgetting it...-.-;
I was just watching Buono! Days and it was hilarious! ^ ^ I could understand most of it, except when they were explaining something that happened one time and how they made their "tomago" or eggs. It looked really fun, too! It was the members from Buono! competing to become leader of Buono!. They had a hip fight (hit the other person off the block with your hip), hoola-hoop competition, cooking competition, and dog training competition.
Errmmm...I wanna be in H!P so badly! Come ask for auditions for a new American, or at least get American auditions, for the next auditions FOR H!P. Right now they're moving towards South Korea, I bet next year they'll move towards America, I hope! I wanna join after high school or something...I wonder what education would be like. Her heard that you eat only natto and rice! I'm fine with rice, but I've never had natto...what's it taste like? I wanna try some, it can't be TOO bad. Oh! My favorite food if you guys don't know, is seaweed! It sounds gross but it's delicious! Especially fried strips that melt in your mouth, it's like chocolate, but it's not. But I don't like it in Miso soup....well, it's just that either the liquid removes the taste or other things over power it so it doesn't taste as good.
My second favorite food is MUFFINS! Can't get enough muffins. I like the mushy store-bought kind even though it's cheap. But's it's soooo good!!! The giant ones are my favorite! I saw some commercial for mini muffins saying ,"Are you tired of gigantic boulders of Muffins or too small that it's not even bite-sized," or something like that. I got mad because giant muffins are the best! It takes a while to lose the magic (finish eating the whole thing). I aso refer to magic a lot...like when something is over or ended it's lost it's magic. Because it's really the wonderful magic of love for that certain thing that makes you said when it ends...I should right a song! ^ ^;
Back to the whole learning Japanese thing! I've been thinking of doing an online class and tried doing this one BBC thing, but it didn't make any sense. I found this one AWESOME game on BBC one time, but now I can't remember how to get there...Ummm...sorry, that was random!
Gah! I've noticed that I keep doing stuff like the j-pop idols in H!P do! I was talking to my brother and I kept doing that held tilt with her hand on it thing. Maybe I'm getting too obsessed...O.O; I don't really like thinking this as obsessed, though. It makes me sound nuts, which I'm not...or shouldn't be.
Oh! I've been drawing these two characters lately: Apple and Peach. And guess how I got their coloring scheme! I was drinking apple juice and I liked the color and the taste reminded me of the sweet color of peaches, so that's how I got it. Does anybody like plums!? Sorry, I'm random, but I just thought of biting into one. They're soooooo good and juicy, but eating too much at one time makes me sick just like grapes. If you eat too many grapes it starts to taste like grape juice and I HATE grape juice. It made me gag and throw-up. So, yeah, I don't like grape juice.
I keep talking about food...I don't like much food, just mushy and sweet foods like muffins. Or crunchy like granola or fried seaweed. I can't eat spicy foods I cough too much. Even a hint of pepper makes me kinda stop breathing. It's not that I'm allergic, I just don't like it and can't handle it. And then sour makes me think dirty thoughts...ummm...not dirty what you're thinking kinda thoughts, I mean like boogers and gross thoughts and mud and everything. Then it makes me gag...I can't handle that either. And bitter, well, nobody really likes bitter foods. I should make a character that does! O.O Oooh! Ideas! Hmmm...what other flavors? Sweet, salty, bitter, spicy, sour, and...Hah! I'm using the pokeblock wheel thingy to remember these tastes! ^ ^; I remember them by color...I think...pink is sweet...bitter is blue or purple...spicy is red I think and sour is either green or yellow. But which one was the tough yellow or the smart green? Hah! Too many of those contest things and pokemon! ^ ^;
Back to more food! This is fun! Ummm...common foods that I don't like:
Hot Dogs
All beef except for bacon sometimes (and my mom's meat loaf)
Dry fish (I think that's just because it's poorly cooked)
Zucchini (I can't remember if it was a cucumber or what, but I had a bad one and it was my first try at one of them and now I refuse to eat them because they tasted bad)
Strawberries (strange, I know, but they taste funny and burn my mouth)
Green Beans
Green Pepper (it's bitter!! How do people not notice that!?)
Ice Cream (Unless it's chocolate from Dairy Queen)
Kale? Anything that looks like that green green food.
Asparagus (yet another bitter food)
Anything with flax seed oil (it gives me a strange feeling and it's not a good feeling)
Mushrooms (the best part of the mushroom is my least favorite, the rubber feeling of it)
I think that's about it of the common foods instead of the brand. Did they ever have a recall of Reeses (sp?) Puffs. There was a time and still kinda is where they tasted like plastic (and not the good taste-less plastic, the kind that if you accidentally touch it with your mouth you have an extremely bad and strong taste in your mouth).
I pretty much like everything else. A lot of people tell me they hate bananas or eggs, but I don't understand why. They're sooo good! ^ ^ Well, sometimes I don't cook the eggs right so they taste funky, but still, I like them! There's also a TON of kids that don't eat breakfast. Little do they know that breakfast is THE most important meal of the day. If you miss out on this then you will hunger more for sugary and junky things throughout the day and that's how most kids get obese. Not from little activity (I rarely go outside and I'm one of the skinniest people at my school), but from poor eating habits. Also! If you eat healthy foods a lot and not bread, but like a vegetable like a carrot, you're poop won't smell bad. Yes, I've been watching "You Are What You Eat." I didn't believe Gillian at first, but I ate a carrot and then went to the bathroom and I didn't smell a THING. It was amazing! ^ ^ Wow...that was kinda gross...weird...ehh...
Should I continue on talking about food...or...? I'm bored and if I go downstairs the only thing that'll be on would be boring shows....OUCH!! I just plugged in the laptop I'm using and the screen's REALLY bright now...
OH! The Graham Norton Show! Can't miss that! But that doesn't come on until a few more minutes...WHAT!? Sorry! I'm bad at telling time, not until 15 minutes, which isn't a few...-.-;
WHHHAAAAT should I talk about now...? I wanna a laptop/keyboard that can type Katakana characters! ^A^
OH! Lately I've been having dance craves and I haven't been wearing as much clothes as I usually do. Right now I'm wearing a short sleeved t-shirt and OOOOOLD pants from when I was like 4 (yep, still fit). And usually I wear a turtle neck, a shirt, another shirt, and a long pair of pants and socks along with my bwankies! I have my blankets on now, too. I carry them EVERYWHERE. I don't think it's childish because I'm usually cold. And my robe is too hot and too big (it's not a slim silky one, it's a big fluffy one) and I don't feel like getting my jackets dirty and I usually sleep in the clothes I'm wearing right now, so I usually forget to take off my jackets. If I do, I put them on this chair and my cat gets her hair all over it. -A-
Those "-A-" things with the A's are soooo cute! ^ ^ It took me a while to figure out what they would look like as a face...
OH! Back to the dance thing....did I say craves? Does that make sense? Anyways, I've also been singing more and I'd give myself an A. I wonder if it's because it's the summer and most of the pressure is off, but I feel like going up on stage and singing and dancing to a song right now in front of billions of people. I have two dreams...or three...well, that's a side dream, kinda. If all else fails, I'll go with my third, not so important dream. My first dream is, of course, to become a manga artist. My second dream is to become a singer/dancer idol person thingy of j-pop or j-pop sounding music, and maybe being in H!P. I don't really know if I'm a good singer or not. Some of my friend told me I am...but...I don't trust them. I used to have me singing songs up on youtube, but I took them down because people at school were making fun of me. Gosh, idiots! What's so weird about singing in another language. And how come they don't understand that I can't even understand a word that American singers sing. I don't really care much about lyrics, it has to be the music that touches my heart. Plus, when it's in a different language it doesn't sound has show offy.
Also! I've realized something! Japanese are more for cute than sexy and Americans never heard of the word cute when it comes to music. So there needs to be a cute group that sings cute songs and aren't all whiny sounding. Like something like H!P except American...Hint, hint! TSUNKU! Get your ideas over to America!! AHEM! As I was saying. The only child singers I know were still sexy and all and Aaron Carter...or was it Jesse Mcartney...isn't even a very good singer and the whiny boy singing is probably some of the worst singing I've ever her. No, sorry, THE worst! I'd rather hear a person who can't sing than listen to them. And everyone always has these curse words or creepy things in the song that scares me to death. I like cute and fun songs, mostly why I like H!P and j-pop. Wait! Before anybody says that there are cute singers I'm talking about for Pop and hip-hop, not broadway or anything. Oh! Miranda Cosgrove, I was so anxious to hear her be the cute pop singer, but she failed me with sexy songs...-.-; Well, they're almost cute, but you think of her more like hot than cute. Hmmm....somebody needs to rise up! Miranda! Change yourself to cute! Use your young powers and cute smile to do something!!!
Then there are the REALLY scary songs that I can't listen to. I like oldie stuff like The Beatles and stuff like that. Sweet yet catchy songs from the golden years. That's the only American/English (in English) songs I'll listen to. I really like songs by British singers because their British accent is sooo beautiful!! Like Joe Anderson...wait...was that a fake accent...? I don't really care, I really love his singing! ^ ^ If Hey Jude was sung without a British accent it wouldn't have it's glamour...or...magic...Gah! Sorry! I can't thinking of any better words than magic! ^ ^;
Alright! I'm gonna go now! I'm sleepy-ish and I think Graham's on!