There Will Be Blood...XD

First time I've ever done: XD! O.O I like doing the cross faces so that they actually look like faces and you don't have to tilt your head...not that I do...I just kinda mentally put them up right, which I'm sure most people do. About the title...I'm just saying that there will be blood, I'm not talking about the movie. I'm just saying since I'm going to be talking about violent yeah.

First thing to talk about! THERE'S NOTHING ON TV!!! The only thing I watch on TV is Colbert, the Graham Norton Show (which the one shown last Saturday with David Tennant who plays Doctor Who in Doctor Who was and on and it was hilarious because of the Doctor Who references), and Food Network Challenge. Occasionally I watch Mythbusters, if it's a new episode.
ANYWAYS! I usually eat in front of the TV and I was having lunch and since I'm not allowed to eat downstairs, on the computer, or in my room, I watched some really stupid shows on TV. doesn't take me THAT long to eat. The show that was on was The Outsiders. I wanted to watch SOMETHING and since I know the channel for Cartoonnetwork, I watched it. It's some live action show about ghosts, but it's supposed to be real and all. They went to this one haunted ship that I had heard of before. They kept talking about this one girl in this pool room, and then they went to the MOST HAUNTED and creepiest place on the ship, and they didn't even stay in there for a few seconds! I missed it because I was eating and not paying attention...Anyways, I'm not sure if it was the boiler room or the was one of those rooms that hadn't been mentioned much. I mean, I know it's too violent for kids, but they shouldn't have a show like this on Cartoonnetwork.
Alright...what's in the boiler room or the kitchen was, I was watching some other show...about the best haunted houses (y'know, fake and all, for Halloween), and they said that there is actually a haunted ship where they tried to recreate the actually ghost stories and actual things that happened on the ship. The ship's open to the public and the kid on the TV show was saying how paranormal investigators would KILL just to get on this ship, and luckily they can...BUT IT'S A PUBLIC PLACE...dumb-dumb (I usually call people that...but I don't say it to their, face, I just think it...).
OH! Back to the story! I can't remember if it was the cook, his su-chef guy, or a soldier...somebody who was being punished for something...I think it was the cook's partner or something...not the cook...Well, the cook put the guy in an oven and cooked him alive. O.O I remember that they were saying how the people who were supposed to be the actors for that scene for the haunted house were scared stiff in there and they said it was probably the scariest part of the ship....

I don't believe in ghost stories, but shame on them for not telling anybody about how the people died and what happened to them!! >:( Maybe the creators thought the kids would be too scared to stay in there too long...

NEXT TOPIC! I've been thinking about this for MONTHS!! I have this character with gray skin, long blonde hair, ram horns, and with heterochromia (I can't remember which colors they were) and I've been trying to fit her into each of my manga. She was in Sakura Petals and she's in Alice...I was RPing one day because I was bored and all and I RPed a Medieval Fantasy and I used her since her clothes are medieval gothic (if you know what I mean, like the gothic style...y'know all colorful and detailed). Then I got this idea: Why don't I make a manga with her in it. I actually got the idea for that also because of Tales of the Abyss and Gurren Lagann. But I didn't know what the story could be and I didn't know if she should be the main character. So I've thought of a plot...she has to be something of a high I thought that she should be a commander of an army in a steam punk kinda thing...then I thought that she should be a captain of a ship, being a pirate and all, then I thought she should be a captive on a ship...I still don't know what she should be, but I'm thinking of making, now, the escort of a prince. But then after thinking that, then she should be a supporting character or then I thought of the possible characters to be the main I thought up some kid who's all weak and scrony and not very smart, then I decided to make him smart, then took it away and just made him stupid and mean and I might keep him that way, but I'm not sure if he should even been in it. And then I've been interested in two types of characters:
The guy with the maniacal laugh who won't stop laughing (inspiration from Dist)
The guy who's super awesome, popular, and a genius with awesome glasses of some kind (inspiration from Jade)

I've decided to make the maniacal laughing guy to be a prince and the glasses guy to be...I dunno accomplice with the girl I created...I'll draw all my characters later.

SO! The plot! The plot I have finally decided to be...based on Hell! ^ ^ MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAHAAAAAAH!! I've decided to make that scrony character to be the main character...but I'm not sure if I should make him nice or mean, stubborn, yes...but what else? He's either a kid who accidentally dies after hesitating to protect the person he loves and is sent to hell even though he is good, or a kid who has been trouble all of his life and finally is murdered by his victim...But I'm not sure. Anyways, besides that plot, what will hell be like? A steam punk world! YAY! ^ ^ I enjoy steam punk...I just don't seem to be doing anything near if it were a video game or something...preferably an RPG and it was steam punk and had a good story, it'd probably be my favorite game. It's comfortable...I know no other way to explain it...but I'll probably not be able to make it to steam punk since I've never tried it...

Hell in my story is basically like a rehabilitation center and is more free than heaven. In heaven, everyone has to do the right thing and it's not very free, but in hell you can do whatever you want, but it always has a price, just like life, but it lasts forever. And if you've been a good person then you can be reborn. If you've been terrible there, then you're sent to limbo, which is basically like hell's prison. It'd be REALLY fun to right this! I'm coming up with TONS of ideas! I'm probably gonna make the glasses guy a fallen angel who has to become a better person to go back to heaven. The girl is probably going to be a demon, that's been my idea for her ever since I created her. And the maniacal laughing guy is also going to be a demon, he'll be a demon prince.

Does any of it sound interesting? It sounds really fun to me! ^ ^ I'm not a religious person...but the whole Hell and Heaven thing interests me, and since I don't belong to any religious group, I can just make it up! ^ ^ I dunno what hell or heaven is supposed to be like...I'm pretty sure nobody else has any ideas, so it'd be really fun. But I'm puzzled...should heaven or hell be the enemy...hmmmm....order against chaos. YAY! 'nother plot with order and chaos! ^ ^ I love opposites! Just like fire and ice, black and white, chaos and order.

In other news, I'm nearing the end of Tales of the Abyss! I'll go back to my game and confront Van...but I'm not in the mood for boss battles at the moment, but I do want the story to get better! TT.TT If anybody is confused, I'm at the Absorbtion Gate.

And check out this song! It's pretty, though it's probably a radio rip and sounds pretty weird:
