NOTICE: Totally dead, but browse or post if you want. lol

Welcome to the Lolita Chateau!

This is a world completely dedicated to lolita fashion! Anything loli related can be posted here, such as photos, recipies, poems, tutorials, stories, etc. If you'd like to be a guest poster here, just send me a message! ^^ But if you do post in this world, please refrain from using any harsh language. This world is open to everyone, and lolitas should be well-mannered and polite anyway. Thank you and enjoy! ^o^

lolita style hat

found this video and it really does help alot


I found out about this in Sucrerie Magazine, where they had an interview with Kate Slomkowski, the producer, director, and editor of LoliGirls. LoliGirls is a short documentary about Lolita fashion. It hasn't been released yet, but there are several trailers for it available. It's scheduled to be released sometime in late September, I believe. I think it's really exciting to know that someone is doing a documentary of Lolita fashion here in the US, and it seems to be really accurate and true to the essence of Lolita. Here's the trailer for it:

Ero Lolita

I love those little gems around her eye! ^o^ I sometimes use two or three stick-on rhinestones like that, but I never really put them in a design or anything. Rhinestones really do look pretty though, the way they sparkle and shine. I think something like this would look cute with any style. Especially little pink gems for a Sweet Lolita! =^o^=

External Image

Sailor Lolita

I found this sailor lolita.....isn't it cute?

Sweet Lolita

I found this item and though it'll go great with sweet lolita