NOTICE: Totally dead, but browse or post if you want. lol

Welcome to the Lolita Chateau!

This is a world completely dedicated to lolita fashion! Anything loli related can be posted here, such as photos, recipies, poems, tutorials, stories, etc. If you'd like to be a guest poster here, just send me a message! ^^ But if you do post in this world, please refrain from using any harsh language. This world is open to everyone, and lolitas should be well-mannered and polite anyway. Thank you and enjoy! ^o^

Goodies from Wonderland

Hooray! There's going to be a new Alice in Wonderland movie! ^o^ It's directed by Tim Burton and is scheduled to release in March 2010. It seems pretty different from past Alice in Wonderland movies, so that could turn out to be good or bad. Embedding has been disabled on the video, so I can't post the vid itself here. Just follow this link instead:
Alice in Wonderland - Official trailer

And for any gothic or guro lolitas out there, here's a PC game titled American MacGee's Alice. It's basically a horror version of Alice in Wonderland. Trailer:

Contest winner

Time is up for the Worst Lolita contest! XD The winner is Alchemic Mushroom! *applause*
Not many people entered the contest. Was it no good? Well, I'll be continuing with another contest anyway. I'll try to make the next one better!

My Kurololi

This is the same dress that I wore in my Alice in Wonderland photos, but I loved how these photos came out, so I had to post them! ^^; The parasol is from the ebay store, meridian-shop, the socks are from, and the wig is from (the Hope wig). I love that parasol so much! It's pretty, the lace has a high quality look, and it was only $20! That's really not much, considering how much I usually see parasols sold for. No shipping cost either. I'm thinking about buying a white or pink one too. ^^

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Guro Lolitas!

Hooray! I found gurololis! ^o^

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Sucrerie Magazine

Wow, sorry I've been gone for a while. ^^; I went with my friend to a convention, but I went to her house a few days early so I've been gone for almost a week. There was an adorable sweet lolita in the dealer's room/artist alley who had a table set up. She was selling some cell phone charms, handmade figurines, and really cute little heart-shaped boxes. I wish I had gotten a photo of her, but I never thought to. T__T
Anyway, (I'm starting to ramble again) I thought I'd post a link to Sucrerie Magazine here. It's my fav webzine out there because it's made for western lolitas and it's free too! ^o^ They have some really interesting articles and photos inside.

Sucrerie Magazine