NOTICE: Totally dead, but browse or post if you want. lol

Welcome to the Lolita Chateau!

This is a world completely dedicated to lolita fashion! Anything loli related can be posted here, such as photos, recipies, poems, tutorials, stories, etc. If you'd like to be a guest poster here, just send me a message! ^^ But if you do post in this world, please refrain from using any harsh language. This world is open to everyone, and lolitas should be well-mannered and polite anyway. Thank you and enjoy! ^o^

Ouji photoshoot

Hooray! I finally got a new Ouji outfit put together! ^o^ And I got photos outside too! I wish I had remembered to take a photo with my pocket watch, though. It would've been perfect since it has a train on the front and I was on a railroad for most all of the pics. I'll have to remember that for next time. I really need to find new shorts, though. The ones I have now just don't agree with me in photos unless I'm sitting down. >_> But I really like everything else.

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This one looks so tragic to me. It's like I'm just waiting for the train to come. ;__;
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I like how my little Skelanimal is looking straight at the camera. lol
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Gothic Lolita photoshoot

I've been wanting to have a photoshoot in this dress since I got it several months ago. FINALLY today I took the time to. This is one of my fav photoshoot outfits now! I need to work a little more on getting my eye makeup to fade out, but it's not...

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Busy, busy, busy

Wow, I haven't been posting in here lately. SugoiCon came and I just didn't have time to spend online anymore. T-T Speaking of SugoiCon, there were so many adorable Lolitas! I wish I had gotten photos of them, but I could never seem to catch one. ...

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Elegant Gothic Aristocrat

This is so beautiful! I wasn't quite sure what to call this, but EGA seems to fit it really well. ^^ I'd love to make a dress like this someday, but I don't think I'll get to anytime soon. Not sure where I would wear it either besides conventions. ^^;

~Changed EGL to EGA. Thanks Alchemic Mushroom!~

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My Guro Lolita

I was only able to wear this for a few minutes at SugoiCon until the shoes started killing my feet. >_> I really like how it came out, though! I thought that bandaging one of my dolls to carry with me would fit the Lolita style better than a knife would. I'm really glad I found Dolly before the con! She had been lost in the basement for years. Poor Dolly! T^T But she says that she's happy she got to dress up for a convention too. ^^
I just realized that Dolly kinda looks like me in the pic. Blonde ponytails, white dress, bandages, and blood. I should've made a little top hat for her too. ^^