NOTICE: Totally dead, but browse or post if you want. lol

Welcome to the Lolita Chateau!

This is a world completely dedicated to lolita fashion! Anything loli related can be posted here, such as photos, recipies, poems, tutorials, stories, etc. If you'd like to be a guest poster here, just send me a message! ^^ But if you do post in this world, please refrain from using any harsh language. This world is open to everyone, and lolitas should be well-mannered and polite anyway. Thank you and enjoy! ^o^

Cupcakes! ^o^

These were so cute, I had to scan the page and post it here! ^^ I'm going to look through the other recipe pages my mom has and maybe I'll find some more cute ones to post. I guess this isn't really a recipe, so much as it's a decorating guide. But decorating is an important part of baking too! ^^

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kodona and lolita

My sister is the one in kodona, I'm in lolita.

Me and my sister like to dress up and take photos.


I decided to look for an ouji picture of a guy and ended up with this picture

Oh and by the way, this will be my last post for now, until I've returned from my trip.

My kodona outfit ^^

Okay, so I wanted to try putting together a Kodona style outfit and this is what I ended up with. I like it, but I'm planning to make a few changes as my loli wardrobe grows. ^^ Not bad for my first attempt, I guess. The shirt is my Misa shirt, the shorts are capris I got at Walmart, the boots were ordered from Hot Topic, and I got the little top hat at a convention. I don't remember where I got the vest from, though.

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More nails