Introducing myself

Hello, I know I did give a simple introduction in, well, the introduction to this world. But I think I should share a little more.

My apologies Sorry for talking so formally. It's in my nature. I have been trying to talk more normally on recommendation from... An old friend. Yes, Brendan the Braviary, as he was mentioned in my profile. To explain his death would require make me explain my back story, which I may do in time. It's still a sore subject for now.

Yes, I'm from the Unova region. I believe Gothitelle is considered Generation V? I came to this region by ship to start a new life, seeing as it just couldn't happen back in my former region. Once again, that explanation mostly requires back story. Also, it was because, although I so love to watch bird pokemon, I couldn't stand watching Braviaries. I came here for a change, seeing as not many exist here.

Once again, my a- er, sorry for being mysterious, but my past is a very touchy area.

What?! You're asking if I would like a boyfriend?! Well, I suppose it would be nice. Actually, yes. Should I find the right man I think I would very much enjoy it.

If you have any other questions, always feel free to ask. The comment box is always open.

