New Profile

Here's a small update to my profile.

Name: Lollita
Nicknames: Lolli, Lollipop (Don't use the latter, please. It recalls some unpleasant memories)
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Birthday: December 3rd
Pokemon: Gothitelle
National #: 576
Title: Astral Body Pokemon
Nature: Modest
Held Items: Psychic Gem
Ability: Frisk
Attacks: Psychic, Psyshock, Magic Room, Faint Attack, Future Sight, Confusion, Hypnosis, Dream Eater
Weak Against: Bug, Ghost, Dark
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 114 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Hair Length: When down, it reaches to about my... er... bottom. That's unpleasant for me, however. In it's usual style, it reaches just below my shoulders. My bangs I keep long, and unfortunately they enjoy obstructing my vision.
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Tone: I'm rather pale, and on really close inspection I have a vague purple tinge
Build: Quite slender, thinly built. My bones make me sturdier than I look, though.
Markings/Scars: ... I do not like to admit, however I have many scars on my body. I try to keep them out of sight.
Tattoos: Goodness, no.
Piercings: I don't like to put holes in my body.
Appearance: I always have my hair up in some kind of twist. My lips are rather full, and I'm a 34 C, if you must inquire. I prefer to keep up a good poise, I rarely ever slouch. But... some people say there is something missing behind my eyes. And old friend told me that first.
Full Outfit:
Normal (Spring to Summer)- I wear a black dress with long sleeves that reaches down to the floor, made of very light material, but still opaque, with a high neck line. The cuffs have white fabric, and on each of the five layers that start from my chest down to the floor is a large white bow, increasing in size as you go down. I tie my hair up with white bows into pig tails as two large curls, and tie some of the longest bangs and small hairs that don't fit into the pig tails with a smaller white bow closer to the back of my head. I almost always have on heals so my dress won't drag quite as much.
Normal (Fall to Winter)- Essentially the same as summer, but I let down the bangs I tie up in the summer and wear a heavier material dress of the same style but with almost a turtle neck type neck line and boots instead of normal heals.
Bathing suit- The top has long sleeves, a high neck line, and cuts off just above my belly button. All of it is tight fitted, of course. The bottom looks like a knee length skirt, but has tight shorts underneath it.
Personality: I've been called a bit uptight, but I'm trying to loosen up (pardon my formal language). I try to be kind and nonjudgmental, because I don't wish for others to judge me back. Besides, what they have done can be no worse than my past. It probably pales to the horrors I have seen... and done. I find myself easily flustered, but I do love younger ones. Some also call me mysterious, as I don't like to talk about my past or share what I'm really feeling. Others simply cannot understand. And I must be strong, showing anyone my weak side is an unbearable thought.
Orientation: Straight!
Rival: I have none.
Family: ... none alive.
Hometown: Opelucid City, Unova region.
Likes: I very much enjoy a cold treat on a hot day, winter is my favorite time of year, and my favorite activity is bird watching. I consider myself diverse in my musical taste. While I'm here, I hope to make plenty of friends.
Dislikes: I highly dislike summer, it's much too hot. And fish for eating I don't find very appetizing, and it leaves one with terrible breath. Ah, and those high pitched noises. My ears are a bit sensitive...
Fears: I'm a tad claustrophobic, and I highly dislike any type of unexpected noise from behind me. My senses are very keen, and it always seems to scare me, loud or soft.
Strengths: As I've already told you, my hearing is excellent. I'm a strong fighter, but I am rather kind and prefer not to get myself caught up in such activities. Not many things can really bother me, and I get along with many types of people.
Weaknesses: I'm a bit jumpy, as my past had me in the habit of always being on high alert. And I tend to zone out... quite a bit...
Food: Ice cream
Drink: Cold drinks, such as milk
Color: Purple
Tree: Alexandrina Saucer Magnolia
Season: Winter
Activity: Bird watching
Background: I don't wish to tell you here. However, my first post regarding my story can be found here
