Ummmm. RARW~

Yeah. I was doing more practice today. 'twas fun. I think paint really like me now. :D Uhhh, so this is Sorenia, or going to be, BUT I have some more stuff about her. You know her black and hot pink hair right? WELL THAT'S NOT IT!
-twist- Uhhh, she really has crimson eyes, and white hair. That's her REAL form. And uhhhh. I gave it some thought and because Dream-chan sugested Link to be her ♥ person, and since Rumidia, probobly wouldn't want to fight over Link, I decided mabey Shadow Link? I don't know, comment and do a "yay or nay" type thing please. Well, because, she can't remember what REALLY happend when she was ruler, it was a daughter of evil type thing. She was a bit spoiled, but not really. >> << When the kingdom was taken over, she had to change her identity, so she cut her hair, changed it to black and got a pink part. And to make sure, she wouldn't by mistake tell anyone she was the princess, who was supposed to be dead, the people who were loyal to her, sealed her memories with a charm, and it turned one of her eyes blue. I changed my mind. Everyone TOLD her, she was a princess, but she really came from a shadow land, and people didn't want her to become a shadow like everyone though she would. so yeah.[And I guess Sorenia's from the LoZ manga, Four swords plus. ]:P So uhhh. Here's the picture sketch thing.
