Here is my latest non-anime picture

It took somewhere around 4 hours. 3 of those were hand drawing the design, about an hour was coloring on photoshop.
Whatcha think?
Ok, here we go. I just spent the weekend 3 hours away from everything. Away from a computer, cellphone service, current tv, and all of the other little things we love about home. I survived. Plain and simple.
Why is it that we Americans think we need all of this stuff?!?
This has truly come to baffle me. I survived without using my cellphone, without texting my friends 24/7. I survived without shopping for clothes that i might not wear in a month. And this morning, i saw a tv special on creditcard debt.(on the one tv station we got might i add)I was horrified with what i saw, women spending relentlessly, buying atleast 20 pairs of shoes, or 30 pairs of jeans. Buying 16 horses, and in the end having to sell their house to atone for their debt.
Then later, we were in church and the preist was talking about how the size of a 3 car garage was the average size of a house in the 1950s, & how americans claimed to be happiest overall in the 1950s.
Whats changed since then? how much stuff we have. now some of you might be thinking 'Air, we have a better lifestyle now' and i dont disagree with that. All im trying to say is that the materialism is just too much. Wanting a new sports car, a bigger house, a new wardrobe, new flat screen plasmas for your newly finished basement. What does it all matter?
Like i said in the beginning, i got home today. So i bring my clothes in, take them to my room, and head for the computer. So i searched what i wanted, but i didnt feel any more relieved or anything. *bing* oh i just got a text. I jump up to see who it is, what they have to say. I realize im too attached to electronics. The worst is probably the computer, followed closely by my ipod, camera, and cellphone. Ok the camera is fun but the rest do squat.
Ok what i meant by this little rant is, what causes people to need stuff? i think we would all be happier if we didnt have it all. But then again, if we didnt have it, i wouldnt be here on my computer.
note: this doesnt have research behind it, its just whats been on my mind today.
Comments are appreciated