Pony tiem: the rainbow dash

hey guys, i got ponies on the brain! have you ever seen my little pony: friendship is magic? no? watch it with an open mind and see what i mean. yes? good job you might be able to appreciate this.

lately i have had nothing but rainbow dash zooming between my ears. i figure that if i look up to her so i should train to be like her. here goes, this exercize plan should do the trick. a little something i like to call "The Rainbow Dash"


wind sprints: find a average lenght of house, road or yard and run back and forth. count each length, try to make each go faster then the other. after ten lenghts walk two, this is just the start, pace yourself.

hamstrings: sit back against a wall legs out front. reach for the toes then the sky, hold each reach for at least thirty seconds. experts tell us that a strech is most effective if held for that long.

endurance: jog in place for thirty seconds then drop and do ten push-ups. try this a least ten rounds of push-ups.

the workout:

squats: grab a weight, weather that is a real lead weight or just a fat kitty hold it away from you and do some squats. remember to lower yourself close to the ground. this should workout your arms and legs.

jacks: jumping jack tiem!!! 30 regular jacks 10 crunches 30 regular jacks 10 more crunches. follow this pattern until you've done 120 jumping jacks.

strength: grab your weight again and do arm curls in sets of ten. this is the end of the work out so make it count!

cool down:

stretches: stand tall and reach up. count to ten and reach down to your toes. count to ten, repeat.
bring your arm across your neck and pull the elbow into the shoulder. next push that elbow behind your head. repeat with the other arm.

take some deep breaths and do some streching on your own.

good job! i hope you enjoy this as much as i do! have fun becoming 20% cooler!
