Your Fool

Looking for a song, can't write when I have bad music, I can't spell and have poor grammer, just a lil' fyi.

You called me your everything,
You really made my broken heart sing,

I can't believe that you left me,
Crying so much I couldn't see,

The fool you were makein' me out to be,
But its okay, I won't break, see,

I'm strong enough, I'll break these chains,
I'm gonna take ahold of these reigns,

I'm not going down without a fight,
This pain you wish on me, its not right.

I won't cry, your games won't bind me,
I'm running off, I'm free.

Can't you see, breaking an angel's wings won't make her stay,
She falls in fall, but flys away by May.

Open your eyes, baby, don't you see,
I loved you first, it was me.

But now, I see, and its alright,
I don't need to fight,

I'm free, and I'm not scared anymore,
These broken chains, ones once binding me, can kiss the floor.

I know, not my best work ,weird mood tonight. Its like 2:16am, though >p>
Written: March 14th, Friday,2008 by poet: ALNAG
