The fact that in a panel (of sorts) when Jared Padalecki saw something "Captain America" ... I'm just going to quote him.

"Captain America, pssshhh. Chris. Shoulda been Jensen."

Wow. Jensen, sorry buddy, it's the truth, you'd have to work out non-stop to get ready for that role. STILL. J2. FOREVER.



Most. Perfect. Thing. Ever.

My Wishlist (icons)

I've never done this before, so I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing I don't even know what I want, so I'm going to give a general whatever for... whatever. I'M SORRY THIS MOMMA IS SO DUMB. Italics = Anime -Monochrome an...

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Far From In Between

I have no idea what that titles about. BUT! I have not given anyone an update of my magnificent melancholy life in such a mother loving time that I'm going to sit here and spluuuurge because I deserve it. And because guys suck. And because Jensen Ackles should totally father my babies be a director. Why are all the good Texans married or married with child? Life isn't fair. Not fair I tell you!

So, first off: Supernatural. Diehard fan right now. Though, season 8 just isn't doing it for me. Sam and Dean are all pissy with each other and it's not resolving! They're not talking it out and nothing is getting solved and UGH. DRAMA. Seriously? I finished this series in a week and a half. I was so hooked the first season and Jared is just so cute I couldn't let them go! I do not see any Destiel, no Sabriel, but I do sort of see some Wincest from time to time. I don't ship any of these, praytell, but I don't even see them! Ugh, Raito, don't kill me.

Anyways, see the show, it's amazing. But now I'm onto Gilmore Girls. Not because Jared Padalecki is in it or anything of the sort (and his characters name is DEAN by the way. Anyone else think that SAM from Supernatural cannot be a DEAN? Just me? Okay, side thought over). Seriously! Not the reason!



Okay. That's the main reason. But now I am extremely and utterly HOOKED! Lorelei and Rory are so goddamn funny. I'm starting to talk like them too. It's very scary. Like I had a Dean phase? Really weird. I'm not going into it. ANYWHO. Yeah, addicted to Gilmore Girls, saw Cry_Wolf, very interesting, expect review for that and for Hugo.

Totally thought I forgot about reviews, right? WRONG. I'm going to do a synopsis of the first season of Supernatural for you then suggest you watch the Christmas themed episode where Pagan Gods ate children's parents and tried to eat Sam and Dean. Back to reviewing, I'm going to go and see The Hobbit soon, I have Here Comes The Boom in the wings, I think I already did Breaking Dawn Part 2... and, honestly guys, SUGGESTIONS. I'm dying here. Finals are almost over and I have absolutely nothing to watch... except for The Christmas Cottage. So cute. Jared Padalecki, keeper of my heart, in gorgeous Winter Wear that makes him look like a 12 year old ALL OVER AGAIN. UGH. CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF THAT BOY.

In the means of school I am done with classes and I have four finals in the next two days. Totally stoked! Oh my God gag me with a SPOON. I'm so missing Teen Wolf... don't know why I thought of that. Just did. Oh well! But, yes, classes, over and done with. Secret Santas shall be worked on soon. I'm mostly worried about the icons, to tell you the truth. I don't really do good ones but I will try my damnest. Damnedest? Damnedest! That's a word? Holy crap. Sorry, side tracked. That tends to happen to me. I've done the eCards, haven't really checked on the Wallie or the iWallie in awhile... I'll get back to you on that!

There is so much that I have to say and none of it has any importance, WHAT-SO-EVER! I love being me. So, at a standstill for my X-Men fanfics, at a standstill for my Harry Potter ones, my Teen Wolf ones, my yada yada ones, I have no idea what's going on. I can't write (stories). Ugh. I hate when this happens. I know what I want to have happen but I just can't get there without watching the shows over again and I'm too busy watching Gilmore Girls to watch any of those over again! It sucks! It really does!

So, I have more to say but I have to go coach in fifteen minutes. I know, me, role model, run for the hills, hide your kids, hide your wives, hide your double rainbows. But I'll find them. I swear to God that I will. I SWEAR TO ALL THAT IS CASTIEL. Oh my God if Misha Collins answered my prayers I'd be a very happy soul.

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I love you, and I will make this post more coherent laterrrrr.

xoxo, Momma Love

My Wishlist (iWalls)

-Fire Theme
-Alice in Wonderland Theme
-Real Images
-Carnival Theme
-Sterek (Stiles & Derek Teen Wolf)
-Josh Hutcherson