Seventh Post

I wasn't going to do two posts in a row (and yes this is an actual post again) but I just watched Cinderella for the first time in, like, fifteen years. Oh my geezums that step-mother is eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeviiiiiiiil. She has this stare, it's an evil stare, and it made you feel like your soul was withering into the darkest corner of your existence. It was bad... but a good kind of bad! The wicked step-mother of Cinderella will always be one of the baddies in Disney history... right behind the witch from Sleeping Beauty... that woman made you feel like your soul had just been sucked into a black hole and it was ripping you apart molecule by molecule, atom by atom, and you feel every agonizing second of it... Sorry, I'm a writer. I like giving examples. But yeah, Cinderella, one of those heart felt movies that make you shed a tear, or at least it makes me shed a tear. I'm a sap when it comes to movies, I cry at the end of Captain America every time. That little boy with the shield running through Brooklyn with his own Howling Commandos. Captain America lived on! Crap, I'm tearing up again. WAAAAAAAAAAH.

Other than that there is nothing- lost my train of thought. I'm sorry, this happens a lot. Let me... give me a moment. There is nothing- I've lost it. I'm terrible sorry people, enjoy my last tid bit.

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If you can't read photographed lips, he's saying "Howdy ya'll, I'm sexy. Enjoy it." And I intend to. I'll post what I meant to say later. I literally can't remember for the life of me.

xoxo, Momma Love

Sixth Post

Yes, this is actually a post. Le gasp!

Hello everyone, Momma Love here. I'm just here to say that I'm finally done with all of my school crappola for the summer! Ugh, weight off your shoulders, am I right? And I'm excited to begin my Summer de la Cinema, just movies, movies, movies, an occasional book here or there, movies, movies, movies, movies! I'm such a nerd, I know. But I love movies and books. I'm hoping to see Brave, Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter, Magic Mike, The Amazing Spider-Man, and The Dark Knight Rises this upcoming month! I'm so excited it should be illegal.

I'm here mostly to tell you about this amazing book I just read, Kill Me Softly, by Sarah Cross. The story is about a town where people who have been cursed with "fairy tale curses" all seem to flock, there are Snow White's, there are Sleeping Beauty's, there are Beauty's and there are Beast's, Prince Charming's that are honor bound, Romantics that suck your soul, men who get shipwrecked and saved by little fish tailed maidens, Cinderella's, evil step-sisters, evil step-mothers, ignorant fathers, etc. etc. etc.! This book made me never wish for a fairy tale ending, personally. That combined with actually reading Grimm's Grimmest arranged by Maria Tatar, I never want to live a fairy-tale, I'd rather cut off my own toe (as one of the Cinderella step-sisters did!). It's a great read and I recommend it for those morbid saps out there who enjoy a good romance but don't want it spoon fed to them.

Next on my agenda, evil computer games. I'm a Sims 2 girl, always have been, always will, and I'm also a Sims Medieval girl. But in order to play Sims Medieval on my computer I have to delete all of my expansions from Sims 2. Once my Sims Medieval craving has been satisfied I reinstall all of my expansions and everything is fine. Except when the most recent expansion is a stuff pack and I can't find the disk. I spend, like, hours looking for it, and it's right in front of my face! This makes Momma Love a very unhappy person but she's happy that she can play Sims 2 again. Now, I've place the CD in the CD-ROM drive and then Sims 2 alerts me to the fact that Bon Voyage wasn't reinstalled! AND I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE IT IS. THIS MAKES ME AN EVEN UNHAPPIER PERSON! This royally sucks, so now I have to borrow it from one of my friends. SIGH.

Last thing I have for you is this:

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Chris Evans wishes you a sexy time. xoxo - Momma Love

Fifth Post

This was originally part of the third post but none of this pictures showed up. Take two! ...

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Fourth Post

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I'm also a How I Met Your Mother fan, and huuuuuuuge one at that. I love Neil Patrick Harris... though he always plays the douchy male-slut! He needs some man luvins! I didn't just say that.

Third Post

I've seen so many rendition of this picture, I like this one the best (so far). I need to start posting things...

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