First Post

Hello all! 'Tis my first day on my new account and I always love the bliss of that blank slate you always get. It's so liberating! I've decided to give you all some general information about me, no name, no personal info of the sorts, just... info! :) Occupation, hobbies, etc.

Name: You can call me Momma Love/Love/Chains
Birthday: June 23rd, 1991
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Amber
Occupation: Student
Hobbies: Writing, drawing, movie going, piano, flute, walking, running, eating, breathing, living, reading (how did I forget reading?), play-writing, singing, dancing, flouncing, playing video games, seeing, hearing, feeling, the whole nine yards.
Little Quirks: I have a long list of pet peeves. I'm not going into that here, just letting you know.
Mutant Power (If I had them): Ability to control electricity and flight

That's all I can think of! I'll add more later, dinner time now!
