Tenth Post

Bonjour, stopping in to thank all of you for the best birthday wishes! You guys make me feel loved. Besides the gifts from theO I got this:

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Ritona Raito knows exactly how to make me happy. From her lovely card to her avatar of Loki spanking the Avengers. It's absolutely perfect. Anyways! I am here with more comic nerd stuffs. I saw Daredevil, disappointing. Sigh. But there is some good news in the Marvel Universe! There is an Unnamed Marvel Movie in the works! It could be the Hawkeye/Black Widow movie, it could be another Hulk, or it could be a different hero they're trying to introduce (ex. Ant-Man, Wasp). Either way, I'm excited for it. Super excited for it! And hopefully this weekend I get to see Magic Mike. Male strippers? Mhmm. I like dat. Aw well. I'll see you all lates!

xoxo, Momma Love
