Twelfth Post

Heeeeeeey party people, I found something amazing yesterday in my parents attic, of course I'm not allowed to take it down until I've cleaned up my place. Yawn! But what was it you ask? Only the most amazing, awesome, pure fantastical thing you could ever think of times 8! That's right, you know what I'm talking about.

I FOUND AN ENTIRE BOX FULL OF OLD THOR COMICS. OH MAI GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD. MY DAD WAS THE COOLEST KID EVER. So now I have something to keep me busy for the next two weeks. Great thing was that my dad and my three uncles were huge Thor fans, not so much anyone else. Hahaha, but I'll take what I can get, you know? There are some other comics in there I just saw the Thor and sort of melted. That happens a lot.

And news to all y'all, I'm a die hard Black Cat and Spider-Man fan. Saw her on the Avengers game on Facebook (awesome game, you should check it out) and immediately fell in love with her. She's so sexy it's intoxicating! But my Spider-Man ordeal is because I finally saw the Spider-Man trilogy! I'm so lame, I know. Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2, genius. Spider-Man 3? That movie spent the first hour and a half unsure of who their own villain was. Honestly? I thought it was going to be Green Goblin Jr., then he loses his memory. Then I thought it was going to be Sandman (I was so excited to see him) but then Spidey "killed" him, then I thought it was going to be Eddie Brock, and he sort of was through the entire movie. And all the while I thought the main villain was going to be Spidey himself. But nope, just some awesome street walking and Mary Jane bitch slapping (so awesome). All in all, Spider-Man 3 sucks. Other two? Brilliant. They should've made Harry Osborn the villain for 3 and then had the internal fight or they should've just done Venom. Sandman was just awkward and out of place. Seriously!

I'm almost done, I swear.

Another little tid bit, I forget. But I saw The Amazing Spider-Man Sunday and it was amazing. It had all that I lived about Spider-Man and nothing that I hated *coughcoughMaryJaneWatsoncoughcough*. I also liked that everyone actually looked like they belonged in high school. McGuire and Dunst? 30. That's all I saw. Anyways, expect a review and summary for it and a kick ass wallpaper! I have the render all set out an everything! I'm so excited! MUAHAHAHAHA! Also I have some other Marvel characters lined up for their own wallpapers. Ms. Marvel ring a bell? Should, she's damn sexy!

Oh! I remember what I forgot. Someone needs to clarify to the world that Superman and Green Lantern ain't Marvel! I see too many pics of those two when I search Marvel it's not even funny! It's seems that the only known DC hero is Batman. Jesus Christ people piss me off. AND THE TEEN TITANS AREN'T MARVEL EITHER.

