Sorry, there's just this one thing that has always bothered me about the whole ordeal. And what I don't understand is that this always shows up in Hentai's, there are few that I've read (yes, I read Hentai from time to time) that don't feature this... ATROCITY.
IT IS NOT PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE FOR THOSE OF THE FEMALE GENDER TO HAVE FACES OF SEVEN YEAR OLDS AND THE BOSOMS OR THE BOOTY OF A 25 YEAR OLD. I know that Anime/Manga is majorly about style, but... come on. This is ridiculous. I know that there are some people out there that dig little girls with lots of junk in the trunk (ew) but I'm getting tired of seeing this. I know it's irrational and all that shit but I'm a perverted 21 year old and I don't want to see this. Ugh. Maybe that's why my drawing style is very similar to Nana .____. girls with normal sized titties. OHWELL. WHATCANYOUDO.
xoxo, Momma Love, still very very very sick.