Okay, these past few days the Top 8 have been dominated by...

There's a difference between making lower quality cards that still have meaning to them and there's at least some progress in their quality of the years, these never change. Actually I think the ones they made "back in the day" are thousands of times better. Honestly, to have these as our Top 7 makes me sad.

Let's just say it's dookie. Yeah, it's dominated by dookie. So, I propose that we do something about this either tonight or Friday night (for you youngins). You know the drill:

1:00 AM: Eastern
12:00 AM: Central
11:00 PM: Midwest
10:00 PM: Pacific.

RISE UP AND CONTROL! I mean... You know what I mean. Something needs to be done, so whip out your best scans and your bests tools to get this ball ROLLING.
