CONTEST TIME!!!!!!!!!!

Hellooooooo!!!! ohlllllllaaaaa!!!!!! And greetings to all who are veiwing this post! i'm new at this whole thing so i'm happy! If i had a cookie to give you for veiwing this i would but sadly i don't... so okay. Let's get to the point! since i am new i thought i would start this puppy up whith a contest! so what is the subject? LOVELESS OF COURSE! what you need to do is, if possible, send me a picture of you cosplaying a character and the best costume wins! i will be happy to draw any loveless character you want and upload it! if it is impossible to do this then all you need to do is get RITSUKA(my fave character) on my quiz! GOOD LUCK TO ALL! NOW GO! WIN THE CONTEST SO I CAN TELEPHATHICALLY GIVE YOU A COOKIE!!!!!!!!!!!!
