Anime Boston 2009!!!!!!XD...oh yeah, and contest ends.

ok. so srry i haven't posted in a while (whoops, i mean like in 2 days). Well anyway, last night i went to Anime Boston and it.....ROCKED!! this was my first con and first time cosplaying and it was just the most funnest thing i ever did in my life so far!! It was everything all the people said and much much more. i took a million pictures with my friends and new friends!! I also met a social Gara, have you ever seen a social Gara?? he gave me a hug. i also didn't think that ppl would reconize me as Ritsuka but they did and they were coming up to me and hugging me and asking for pictures!!!! i am so going to more of these!! I told A.B about this stuff and she sneered at me and walked away. A.B is real mean!!

Now for updates on the contest i held!! someone did enter this time but they wish to rename anonymaous(did i spell that right?). so later i will post the new pic of the one she requested. Hag tight and stay tunned.
