Ritsuka's Schedule

Note:i was majorly bored(yes yes i know. i get bored alot) so enjoy this lil thingie here.

7:00am:get up and eat breakfast with mother and avoid being beaten
8:00am:walk to school with Yuiko(aka Big Boob Girl)

For the next 7 hours:

schooland thinking about Soubi
3:00pm:Go to Shrink and talk about my emo-ish life...and think about Soubi
4:00pm:Walk to Yuiko's house with Soubi to hang out and secretly enjoying every minute of it...*sigh* Soubi...
5:00pm:Go home with Soubi and go onto the computer to anylized Semei's will...again!
6:00pm:Once Soubi tells me he loves me, i tell him to leave and once he's gone i cry beacuse the sound of his voice hurts too much.
7:00pm:Eat dinner with mother after Soubi leaves and be careful not to eat the things "Ritsuka" didn't like before.
8:00pm:After getting hut with the sharp part of a brocken plate and treating the wound, i go to sleep...and dream about Soubi.

Hope you liked!! I wa sreally bored and as you see Soubi's Schedule is much more full then Ritsuka's
