
hello world how do you do ?

i'm pretty good at the moment!
hmm.... socializing again i suppose it feels good lmao !
well my weekend was actually a lot of fun
one of my close friends actually invited me to go with her to this musical at her cousins high school !


gosh i dont know why but it was the most entertaining show i've seen, i liked it to the extreme!! and the first opening song is totally stuck in my head!
but i had so much fun saturday night!

okay so what sucks?
answer: a vacumm!


i had to shower alll weekend long with freezing cold water!
soo soo sad waking up a six o'clock in the morning just to shower in the cold with the cold
so the above would be the correct answer

anyway sunday! i had slept for a really long time
Can you believe for the first time ever i stayed asleep untill 2:00 pm

well do you wana know why?? ----> because all night long untill 10:00 am i had nightmares!
i wouldnt even be able to explain them to you but i did i had such sad and cold nightmares so i slept real long!

then when i woke up we went to the board walk to feel the fresh air of the ocean! then to pathmark to buy groceries!
later return home -->then KFC ---> back home --> to couch ->eat and watch movies!!!! so that was my sunday, i returned to my bed but i'm not quite sure i slept at all last night but i'm pretty tired right now

i'm doing the lights for my high school musical and i'm pretty reeled up about it
i finally have something to do in the show that matters! lmao

well enjoy your nights and mornings!
