soul mate

is it possible to have the worst timing in the world
to have missed the perfect chance and reinact the chance with out it actually being the right time with out it actually being the right time
i dont know anymore
like i kept searching and looking and finally i give up saying just throw him at me why dontchu
but i really didnt expect this at all
i could look and search and try to find and just wish and wish but nothing would come true
and i was so close to him so right beside him so near him
so in touch with him
i practically kept talking and rambling on to him like an absolute retard
like jez izioy just shut your trap
but he kinda looked at me like in that fairytale way where its like DAM
and i wish that it wasnt just me
but for the most part it normally always is just me
but hes just so
like yea my edward was so amazing
so my infatuation
but it would've been so impossible to be together
and well
this one this
soul shall we call him
was so perfect
so many perfect traits, like well he's cute in general
he likes F.R.I.E.N.D.S and most people either have never watched the show or dont like it
COMEON its amazing and i'm obsessed and so is he
and movies
as you probably already know since i have an entire blog on it i'm obsessed with movies
he is too and like i could probably talk to him about movies for hours
he plays football which i think is a plus i like football (yea i know i'm a girl)
ahhhh hes just that perfect soul
except thats it he is perfect
and just because he is
for some reason i have to be punished with the sadness of not being able to be with him or able to talk to him
because he already has a someone for himself
and i wish this wasnt so but in all cases it is
which means i'll never have that simple happiness
to have him i only wish i had

well forever i shall wish for soul
only b/c thats how i am i wait patiently and sometimes wait in mourning

and the only thing i have to wonder is that well his friends say that he could do better and to me

well am i good enough to be "doing better"
