I am really hurt.
I don't know what has happened.
since a little while ago, I haven't been getting any views on my art. fanart,ecards, anything. not even world posts.
i could say that I am angry, but I am not. I understand my art isn't as good as a lot of people on the Otaku, nor does everyone have free time to come look at it all the time. i get that.
but I am extreamly dissapoited. with myself.
"what is it I have been doing wrong?" i wondered.
but I still don't know.
It just seems like I am giving this all I have, but It is gettig me nowhere at all. the proof is in this post, which i am sure no one is going to even read very sadly.
I considered retireing from the O, but I can't bring myself to do that...i love it too much here, and I love the people.
so I am NOT going to quit.
this just means I have to try even harder, and get everyone to notice my hard work again.