Death Note (デスノート, Desu Nōto) - is a Japanese manga series created by writer Tsugumi Ohba and illustrator Takeshi Obata. The series centers on Light Yagami, a high school student who discovers a supernatural notebook dropped on Earth by Ryuk, a shinigami ("death god"), that allows Light to kill anyone by writing the victim's name in the notebook. The user must also know the face of the victim to prevent anyone with the same name from being harmed. The story follows Light's attempt to create and rule a world cleansed of evil using the notebook, and the complex conflict between him and his opponents.
- Created By huami22
How To Be L?.... (Advanced Actions) : Eating/Drinking.
Advanced Actions
Finally, one of the most essential things is drinking and eating, just like the basic philosophy with picking up cell phones and reading, use, at the maximum, 3 fingers. hold the handle of teacup with 2 fingers and pull it to your face as displayed in example 2, and drink. For eating, hold the fork with 2 fingers, and stuff the food in your mouth. Remember to maintain your basic sitting position at all times. ONE VERY IMPORTANT thing to note is that L is a great lover of sweets, so remember, the sweeter things are, the better they are! When you drink coffee remember to put lots of sugar cubes in it!
source: website
How To Be L?.... (Advanced Actions) : Reading.
Advanced Actions
When reading a book, simple put the book a small distance away from your body, and like the phone, hold it with a maximum of three fingers (the middle ones). To switch the pages simple turn one of the fingers under the next page and turn. Pretty easy ne? By reading this way, especially when sitting on a bench in a park, it will ensure not only privacy, but won’t ruin your eyes.
source: website
How To Be L?.... (Basic Actions) : How to pick up a phone.
Basic Actions
How to pick up a phone
phone you can pick it up from the top as seen in the first example (or by dangling the cord and talking backwards), or in the case of cellphones, as in example 2, by the antenna. After picking up the phone, you must hold the phone at the top, with a MAXIMUM of 3 fingers. 2 is the recommended choice, and the most sensible way. Before putting the phone to your ear, hold it a good distance away from you first, and then pick it up. There was only ONE TIME L picked up the phone normally. So it’s VERY rare!
source: website
How To Be L?.... (The Looks) : Clothing & Accesories.
The Looks
Clothing & Accesories
L’s clothing is cheap, efficient, and simple.
Step 1: All your clothes should be simple (not like 10 million pocketed cargo pants) and baggy. The basic wardrobe includes a nice white shirt, and a pair of very baggy blue jeans. You can probably get these precious items in your local Ross. If you are a designer-lover, as long as it’s simple and fits the description, go ahead and spend $150 on baggy blue jeans.
Step 2: No Accessories! That includes shoes and socks. In the good old old old days you didn’t have to wear shoes, and L abides by this. Shoes are not a necessity so you don’t need to wear them, especially indoors, if not necessary. if there are rocks on the street, perhaps slip on a pair of sneakers, but no socks whatsoever. They key is no socks period. Now you don’t have to worry about buying new Nike’s for Back-to-School shopping.
source: website
How To Be L?.... (Basic Actions) : How to Stand/Walk.
Basic Actions
How to Stand/Walk
Although it’s not often, L DOES stand/walk. The way he does this, is actually, relatively simple. All you do, is walk, slouching, knees a bit bent. I suppose as in the case of L, this would be a huge benefit if you were pretty tall, but it also puts you on a personal level with the subject you are studying. As you are walking, remember to slouch and act like you are a bit sleepy. When talking to people, as in example 3, lean inwards, close to the person’s face, and talk to them. Make sure you have a breath mint before doing this, however :P.
source: website.