Death Note (デスノート, Desu Nōto) - is a Japanese manga series created by writer Tsugumi Ohba and illustrator Takeshi Obata. The series centers on Light Yagami, a high school student who discovers a supernatural notebook dropped on Earth by Ryuk, a shinigami ("death god"), that allows Light to kill anyone by writing the victim's name in the notebook. The user must also know the face of the victim to prevent anyone with the same name from being harmed. The story follows Light's attempt to create and rule a world cleansed of evil using the notebook, and the complex conflict between him and his opponents.

Episode 3: Dealings

Episode 3: Dealings

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Ryuk, the Shinigami, or god of death, who dropped the Death Note into the human world, warns Light that someone is on his trail. Light is troubled that he can find out the identity of his tracker, and Ryuk suggests an amazing deal.

Episode 2: Confrontation....

Episode 2: Confrontation

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

While the world's criminals continue to drop dead, L meets by computer with representatives from various nations. He requests that a task force be set up in Japan, under the direction of none other than Soichiro Yagami, Light's father.

Episode 1: Rebirth.....

Now, I will tell you the story... of the Death Note. Please enjoy reading my post. Thank you.


Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Brilliant but bored high school student, Light Yagami suddenly finds himself holding the power of life and death in his hands - - - the power of the Death Note. He decides to rid the world of evil - - - by killing off criminals one by one. When the murders start to pile up, genius detective L is on the case, and an epic battle of wits unfolds.

D... Intro of my Knowledge...

"Hi there!!!.... I just like to say that I really love Death Note... But when I first heard it from my classmates... I was curious... The question in my mind is: "What is Death Note? Because, I never ever heard it before... But when I searched it on the net and search some topics about... I became so interested in Death Note... And when my cousin bought the dvd of the movies of Death Note, I really enjoyed watching it... That's all for now... see my next posts... Bye... Thanks for viewing..."

D.... other.... Shinigami....

Rem (レム)

External Image

Rem is the Shinigami who first gives Misa her Death Note and Shinigami eyes. Similar to Ryuk, Rem possesses two Death Notes; she purposely gives a Death Note to Misa. Rem inherited her second Death Note from Jealous, another Shinigami who died when he saved Misa's life, and thought it only right to pass it on to Misa. Rem inherits Jealous' love for Misa as well and is prompt to defend Misa even at the cost of her life. She shows this when she openly shows her lack of trust for Light stating that if Misa dies before her time, Rem will kill Light. In the manga and anime, Rem tells Misa that she is actually a female Shinigami. In the second live-action film, this is not mentioned, leaving it ambiguous.