this year is almost over an at its end we'll have a new prez maybe da 1st BLACK one crazy but true still dont kno who i'll vote for yet tho but there has to be some kind of change in the U.S. hopefuly for da good. But if that fails we can always riot in da streets 
i heard this joke awhile ago an jus remembered it
a man goes in a bar an tells the bartender that he wants a whiskey an a round 4 ever1 else in da bar includin da bartender
so da bartender pours da drinks
an about 20 mins later the guy asked 4 another round and da bartender asked him "dont u think u should pay me 4 the other round first?" to which da guy said "but i dont hav any money"
the bartender got mad an threw the guy out da bar and about 30 mins later he came back an said "bartender i want a whiskey an a round 4 all my friends" an da bartend asked "i guess i get 1 too right?"
an da guy told him "i think not u get nasty when u drink!"
dont be mad its only a joke
a plane takes off, in side are a french man, a english man, a mexican, and a texan man, but while in the sky it has trouble stayin in the air so they dump out the cargo but its no good so the man from england goes to the door and yells "god save the queen" be4 jumpin out the plane, then the french man yelled "viva la france" and jumped out, then the texan went to the door and yelled "remember the alamo" and chucked the mexican out the door.
lol i heard that joke awhile ago but its still funny
Ive been drawing anime for about 5 or 4 years now and it does seem to get old im 18 now and thinkin about goin to art school in he fall(i kno that my drawings arent the best but i never had any kind of art classes so their not that bad i guess)in Seattle, WA. But untill then i will keep drawing what i want not carin if others dont like my style of drawin or the stroke of my pencil im do me those out there aswell do the same do you and dont let anyone tell you differently. When i was in middle school i always hung out wit "the cool kids"(lol) anyways they would see my drawings some would like them others would try to clown on me for drawin "asian porn" i laughed when i heard that is was pretty funny but at the same time i was alittle pissed off about it i didnt spend 3 or 4 hours on it for someone to hate on it but i kno that be a real artist and when i do i can laugh,sit back and watch my anime take over watch ill do it one day. i do have an ideal for one that iv been workin on lately ill try ro finish it and post it in my world soon... maybe
has anyone stopped to think that the war on terrorism is really a way to get the countries that have the oil on our side it is that reason alone why they hate the U.S. If you think about it its really dumb for our government to put the whole country in danger for a few gallons of gas that is retarded and i really dont have to say it but PRESIDENT BUSH IS F**KING RETARDED HAHAHAHAHA dont hate cause i speak the trueth cause i do it all day to all the soldiers over seas and the ones under trees come home safe