As far as I know

I got to work at 6:30 in the morning, If I don't go to my friends' house for Exalted, then I'm usually home around 7:30 pm. If I do go play Exalted, I might not even go home--just stay over at his place and go to work from there the next day.
I feel like a loser cuz i haven't drawn anything in over a year. I used to draw to relieve stress or avoid work, now i find other ways. but i miss drawing, I tired drawing something the other day and it sucked...
Weekends aren't free because that's when my girlfriend comes to visit from Rhode Island. We've managed to visit each other every weekend since we got together so i'm pretty impressed.

I don't hate drawing, I simply have little time for it and it's not my automatic fallback when i run out of things to do like it used to be...I'm gonna try to fix that. That's all I know guys.

Oh, my other time consumer now is that i'm recording the events of the Exalted game in novel format. If it takes 8 pages to cover one session and we've have over 30 sessions so far, this is going to be a long book! Wish me luck with that. I might even post bits of it to the fan fic section here if anyone would be interested in reading it.
