so yesterday, while working with my friend on some Mechanics of Materials homework, we got distracted by a mission he was designing on starcraft. Now I haven't played starcraft in about 5 years but working on the triggers and details of this map has got me excited to pick it up again. I think tonight i'll install it on my computer (good thing i brought it with me hehehe) and reignite my old hobby of building missions in the map editor.
We worked on this map for hours in between homework problems and eventually got pretty close to how we wanted it. it took some doing tho, lots of failed test runs, iteration upon iteration of unit strength balancing, the whole nine yards. The funniest failed attempt was when we had just written the final defeat trigger in the case that you did not make it back in time and everything blows up. this is supposed to occur after a bomb is set, but because of a flaw in the trigger it activate at the start of the game and as soon as we began playing it told us we lost. it was very late at night and we found the sight of ever single unit on the map simultaneously exploding the most hilarious thing ever.
Hopefully I've managed to bore you today.
omg starcraft