Lunaria is one of the Twin Stars of Karniac. Lunaria represents Hope, Peace, Serenity, Love, and Friendship. Her twin sister is Divinia is the represatation of Strength, Honesty, Understanding, Power, and Life. Lunaria's view on the world is, "Humans are but strange creatures. So full of emotion, power. These are wonderous creatures." Her love for the world helps her continue fighting for the world. To keep it from being destroyed. Her love for our world, Is an un-dying thing.
- Created By Knuckles Joycelin
Welcome to Lunaria's Star. Here you'll find new friends, information, stories. ^^ Lunaria's Star is full of happiness, So play nice. ^^ This is a sacred place, So...I suppose that means no fighting or arguing. ^^" Soooo...I just say have fun. ^^