Pretty much all my daily event and rants. I'll try to update much as I can
- Created By ichitaka05
Hello~~~~! How's everyone's week end going for ya? Having good weather? Warm or cold? Planning to something exciting?
All in all, as for ya, finals are right around the corner, so I have some much papers to write, study for test to do... and as always, I've been procrastinating til few days left. lol Bad me, bad me.
I'm just writing a quick blog on some updates on some of my project. First, as for Innocent Heart's last request. It's coming along pretty well hopefully I can finish it before it gets more busy.
well, better get back now.
Back to back to back....?
Hello~~~ How's everyone doin'? As for me, weather is making my mood down. It's rainy and cold and sux. lol
Anyways, recently my friend have given me a pc game called "戦国ランス" (Sengoku Rance) and he told me that it's a rpg style game with a lots of chara to play with... so I install it into my pc and start playing the game. After few battle story progressed and made some pretty interesting... but after 20mins into the game (well more like 10mins) story this Sengoku rpg genre change to Hentai game! WTF!?!?! Next day, chokin' my friend's throat (j/k) for giving me a hentai game. It's not that I don't like those games, but feel like it's a waste of time playin' those games... BUT my friend came back with "This game is really fun to play if there isn't any of those scenes, right?"... and KO!!! lol
Yes, I gotta admit, Sengoku Rance is really fun game. You can upgrade the chara's skills, status, levels, and etc. To lvl up or to up grade you just need to talk with them 8 times (just talk and not dirty talk). Conquer few lands and beat the enemies. Capture the Generals and ask them to join the group and my fav part, the Multi ending. & a lot more fun features in this game... BUT it's HENTAI.
I gonna give a try on this game and see if it was worth playing.
Anyways, my friend is bugging me, so better get going
Go back in time~~
Hello~~~ how's everyone doin'? As for me, I'm bit satisfy bout finish 1 drawing and 2 WP last night. If you haven't seen it or comment it yet, please leave some feed back. Even works like "This sux" will work. j/k lol
Anyways, here's another new anime review~~!
Cross Game
I think in Japan, they're running out of anime they can make... so they're-making or bring the classic manga into anime (ex: Casshern SINS, Yattaman & etc). Well this time is bring the classic artist: Adachi Mitsuru. I'm pretty sure a lot of you here have no clue who he is. Adachi Mitsuru's manga/anime was famous around end 80's~late 90's. Some of the famous works are:
Hiatari Ryoko
and so on... but cut some time. lol First Mr. Adachi's work I saw was H2 and I was pretty young to see it, so I didn't get half of the romantic stuff they had... When I got up to High school my uncle had Touch, another anime which was done by Mr. Adachi. And wow, I totally got hooked into it. lol
Anyways, Cross Game drawing itself is classic 90's drawing with HD clearness to it. Which I have no problem with (cuz I'm a old man). BGM was good, OP & ED songs were pretty good... but only problem is... he know how to make ppl cry. Eeesh~~~! Close to the end of first episode, I was in tears (yes, I'm a cry baby). Cross Game is another Baseball anime series, so if you're not fan of sports anime I wouldn't recommended, BUT if you have 20mins check it out!
Dragon Ball Kai
Kai? Yes, you read it correct~~! Dragon Ball is coming back! Rebroadcasting Dragon Ball Z as part of the series' 20th anniversary celebrations! Wow... to think that it's 20th anniversary (makes me feel old).
Saw the first Episode and it's totally different OP & ED! No more "Chara Hecchara" for OP & for ED. It's all new OP & ED. Also do remember all those long talk and no action episodes? They have cut all the un-necessary talkin' part out and made it more to the point episode (well that's what my DB fan friend said). I, myself haven't seen DB for... close to 15 yrs, so I can't remember anything... but one thing I can say after seeing first episode is... "Ah~~~ Classic". lol If you're DB fan or like old school anime, I recommend it!
Queen's Blade
You know, this is another anime series that hard to explain... Let me see, maybe best way to explain bout this anime is mix Ikki Tousen's clothes ripping with Battle Arena Toushiden... but more worse. I saw Episode 1 & 2 and... wow. Just "wow". A lot of anime DL site have taken off this anime series due to a lot of ppl hate it cuz it's close to "Hentai" and other excuses... but believe it or not, in the Otaku (real Otaku ppl who live in Japan) likes this series. First episode view % was over 15%. Now that doesn't sound much, so let me make it an example. Naruto Shippuden episode 1 was viewed less than 10% IIRC. So less than 10% of ppl in Japan saw the first episode of Naruto Shippuden while Queen's Blade was 15%... tell you the truth, that's pretty crazy... but o'well a lot of Japanese ppl are crazy anyways (including me). So If you like those kinds of thing go for it! I'm pretty sure you gonna enjoy it
Japanese ppl are so crazy/genius that they can make anime bout anything! Basketball, Racing, Football, Go-Kart, Soccer, Tennis, Go, Shougi, Bar, Martial Arts, Magic, Food, & so many more~~~! And now, on that list Mah Jong! You wanna guess what this anime is bout? lol Yes, you got it correct! Mah Jong. Another Takumi-chara (Which means, Chara that is really good at something, so he/she doesn't know it and don't like to me good at it). I'm not good @ playing Mah Jong. I've only played Mah Jong twice in my life... and I wanna keep it that way. I wasn't planning to watch this series... but reason I watched it was cuz of Nodoka aka Nodocchi (in the pic who is holding the Penguin). Her VA makes me laugh... well not in this series, but Ami have done a lot of well known anime series for one is School Rumble. Another? K, Code Geass. Of course there are a lot of VA in here who is pretty famous like Kyotaro - VA is Jun Fukuyama which have done Code Geass as Lelouch... and lists just goes on. So ya If you have no clue bout Mah Jong, there's a few parts of episode that explain bout Mah Jong... but not good enough so when they tell you "riichi tsumo, tora3 higashi haneman" and charas are like "wow~" while you're like WTF?!?!?! So it's bit confusing anime, but you're more than welcome to watch it!
well I think, I've wrote enough, so I gonna end this blog for now. Hope everyone has nice weekend
Hatin' the weather...
Hello~~~! How's everyone doin'? As for me, I'm hatin' the weather! From yesterday it started to rain! WHY~~~! It's April already, I wanna see some heat/sun! As a result, I'm so under the weather... Have minor fever w stuffed up nose and ears. T-T My body hate hot & cold changing back & forth, so in the morning it's warm & in the afternoon cold = sick next day.
Anyways, I was going to UL the project this morning... but somehow my pc was goin' crazy, so I couldn't do it. Tonight after I finish group project paper... than I'll UL the final product. lol
Well, sounds like my lunch is over, so I'll see everyone later.
Just quickly
So here I am, waiting for Anatomy class. I was checkin' my PSNIDP (Playstation Network ID Profile... Yes, it's long & ppl usually call it PSID, but I need to say Profile, so I added "P")....
Anyways, while I was checkin' my Profile, I notice thing called (another long name)... PSNPIDP (Playstation Network Portable ID Profile... gee). So it look like this
...and yes, that's my PSID. I wish I can make my own avi, but they won't allow it, so I chose that avi... it was cute enough that it'll work. lol
anyways... I just thought, it's interesting. See you guys later.