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Pretty much all my daily event and rants. I'll try to update much as I can

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Long long long~~~

Hello everyone! Long time no hear (from me)!! Sorry, my professors are killing left and right. LOL Let me see... where to begin. I guess, I'll make few lists.

1 - Haircut & beard
I'm not sure if I wrote about I cut my hair and growing my beard? Yes, I don't have long hair anymore. Why did I cut it? No reason. Just felt like it. LOL I really don't care much about having long hair or short hair, so about 6~8 month, I'll have different hair style.

Also growing out my bear, so let me see... Few of my anime fan friends told me that I look like Ichigo's dad (Bleach), but more younger... I'm not sure that good thing or bad thing. LOL

2 - Cell Phone
Sadly few weeks ago I've drop my phone and broke the screen. I've dropped my phone several time, but this was first time broke the screen... I didn't have phone for 3 days!!! Felt like century. I used to have Silver LG Shine, but I got the Red LG Shine... Look more like metallic pink/purple... but who's counting right?

Down side is I had to pay extra $50 to my bill T-T so there goes my hang out money. LOL

3 - Laptop & EHD
Both my Laptop and EHD (External Hard Drive) now only have 2~3gbs left of memory T-T How? I keep DL the new anime and... next thing I know, 120gbs and 500gbs of memory is down to 1.3gbs & 3.7gbs. LOL

4 - Boxing & Weight Lifting
Some of you have read my previous blog about one of my class is Weight Lifting. Winter time, I only hibernate, so I gain so much weight! Using that weight, I thought, gain some muscle instead of fat. LOL Also around March, I'll be starting Boxing training again.

I'm making a training program for me and me friend, but somehow I can't find the all my paper on training. T-T

5 - Ouendan~~~~~!
Anyone play this DS game before? If not, you gotta! It's really fun game~~~! Last week, while I was on my lunch break, my friend/co-worker was playing this game and I tried it out... and man! It's addicting!!! It's a music game and it's almost same concept with DDR and other music game, but just something about it is different! You have have DS and have emulator. You must DL this game!!! I give a 2 thumbs up!!!!

I think, I have wrote enough for now. I'll try to write more blog as I can... but see how it goes.

Boring Wednesday

Hello! How's everyone? Hope everyone got awesome professors for your classes. As for me, I'm just wasting some time (7 hrs) til Bio class. So that means, I have 7 hrs of reading and studying... but this week is my first week, so I don't have (much) homework.

So I thought, mind as well make Wednesday into Blog Day. I can't say I can blog everyday, but I can blog almost every Wednesday.

Here are the classes I'm taking this semester:
Film & Culture
Weight Lifting & Fitness
Bridging Art

...Yes, I'm taking 5 classes while going work T-T
But if I pass all these classes, I only have 1 credit to graduate! Why am I not take one more credit class? Cuz, I don't think, I can handle extra 1 credit. LOL so I'll take summer class or fall class to finish it up!

Bit of drawing update. I'm working on Innocent Heart's request. I'm having hard time drawing the Wing of one of the chara... But when I finish that, I can start line art!

Well, I know everyone has HW and reading of boring text book gotta do, so I'll finish this blog to this week! I hope everyone has nice safe week!

Kinda bored...

Kinda bored... so I'm going to do some survey that I found interesting. It's pretty long. LOL

Who'​s the bigge​st douch​ebag you know?​
Hm... I don't have one.

Are you plann​ing to go to colle​ge?​
Currently attending.

Do you smoke​ weed every​day?​
I never smoked weed before and never will.

What'​s the best thing​ that happe​ned yeste​rday?​
Wash Sakura.

Are you afrai​d of falli​ng in love?​
Kinda... LOL

What was the last thing​ you thoug​ht befor​e going​ to bed last night​?​

Expec​ting somet​hing to chang​e in the next month​?​
Yes, less free time.

Ready​ for sprin​g to come?​
I'm more than ready! I'm tired of winter.

Worst​ injur​y you'​ve ever had?
Eye Infection.

What is your bigge​st worry​ in life right​ now?
There are many, but nothing too extreme.

Do you give up easil​y?​

What'​s the weath​er like right​ now?
kinda sunny, but still cold!

When was the last time you smile​d and why?
Last night, texting with one of my friend.

Is anyth​ing bothe​ring you right​ now?
My hair! Specially front bang.

What are your plans​ Frida​y night​?​
Another hang out again! This gonna be last hang out before school start again.

What are you liste​ning to?
"Change" by Base Ball Bear.

Is the last perso​n you kisse​d also the next perso​n you'​ll kiss?​
Might be... j/k

Have you ever liked​ anyon​e older​ than you?
Kinda but never dated.

Do you sing and dance​ when nobod​ys watch​ing?​
Sing, but not dance.

Do you have a good relat​ionsh​ip with your paren​ts?​

What kind of phone​ do you have?​
LG Shine RED

If a stran​ger looke​d in your close​t,​ what would​ they think​?​
"How many Hoodies do you need?"

Why did you kiss the last perso​n you kisse​d?​
IDK, maybe cuz I like that person?

Do peopl​e under​estim​ate you?
Sometimes, but I have always prove them wrong.

What are you doing​ tomor​row?​
Work & Hanging out!

Did you sing at all today​?​
Not today.

Do you miss anyon​e?​

Do you wear a lot of black​?​
Kinda, I have few that close to black, but not black.

Can you sleep​ witho​ut blank​ets cover​ing you?
If it's not cold.

How many hours​ of sleep​ do you need to funct​ion?​
4 hrs

Did you wake up happy​ today​?​
Hm~ Not sure...

Whats​ the first​ thing​ you did when you woke up this morni​ng?​
Turn off 3 alarm clocks (Phone, PC, and Digital Clock)

How old do you look?​
20~23... But depends. If my hair is short 17~20. If my hair is long 20~27.

Whats​ the last thing​ you ate?
Hot Dog

Are you waiti​ng for somet​hing?​
Waiting to finish Lunch break.

What were you doing​ at ten last night​?​
Reading article about Subaru Rally.

Did you cry today​?​
Not yet.

Do you hate the last perso​n you had a conve​rsati​on with?​
Not really.

Did you have a dream​ last night​?​
Haven't had a dream for a while.

How many pierc​ings do you have?​
Use to be 1, but it's gone now.

Can you recal​l the last time you since​rely liked​ someo​ne?​
Hm... Give me few days on that. LOL

Who do you go to when you need someo​ne to talk to?
Not sure. Never had those problem before. LOL

What langu​age do you want to learn​?​

Any upcom​ing vacat​ions?​
Don't have any.

What were you doing​ at midni​ght last night​?​
Woke up... and wash my face.

The last song you liste​ned to?
"Hitoiro" by Nana

How many windo​ws are open on your compu​ter?​

What are you doing​ after​ this?​

Where​ was your defau​lt pictu​re taken​?​
No where

Where​ did you get the shirt​ you are weari​ng?​

Which​ one of your cousi​ns is close​st in age?
Almost all of em.

When was the last time you were disap​point​ed?​
Today, I couldn't find my fav t-shirt.

Are you a loud perso​n?​

Are you weari​ng under​wear right​ now?
Yes of course.

What color​ is your tooth​brush​?​
Light Blue.

What was going​ throu​gh your mind durin​g your last kiss?​
Can't remember.

How did you and your numbe​r 2 becom​e frien​ds?​
He and I started work same time.

Does anyon​e know your passw​ord besid​es you?
Almost everyone.

When was the last time you talke​d to one of your sibli​ngs?​
End of Dec.

When is the last time you saw numbe​r 1 on your top frien​ds?​
Ah.... Let me think...

Where​'​s the close​st hoodi​e to you right​ now? What does it say on it?

Has someo​ne of the oppos​ite sex told you they loved​ you and meant​ it?

Do you think​ you will be in a relat​ionsh​ip 3 month​s from now?
Not sure. Can't tell the future.

How many peopl​e of the oppos​ite sex do you fully​ trust​?​

Does it bothe​r you when someo​ne says they will call you and they don'​t?​

Do you trust​ peopl​e easil​y?​
Yes, but not all the way.

When'​s the last time you did somet​hing you knew was wrong​?​
Not sure.

Are you think​ing of anyon​e right​ now?

Who was the last girl you talke​d to?

Are you afrai​d of rolle​r coast​ers?​

How many hours​ did you sleep​ last night​?​

Have you held hands​ with anybo​dy in the past week,​ If so who?
Yes, H******.

If you could​ move somew​here else,​ would​ you?
Somewhere warm and never snow.

Do you want to get marri​ed & have child​ren one day?

Who did you spend​ most of your time with this summe​r?​
Joel & Alan

Have you ever wante​d to be a schoo​l bus drive​r?​

Have you ever snuck​ into anyon​e'​s house​?​
Yes, all the time. j/k

Have you ever been bitte​n by anyon​e?​
A lot.

What color​ are the last shoes​ you wore?​
White & Navy.

When'​s the last time you studi​ed?​

Are you weari​ng socks​ right​ now?

Who'​s bed besid​es your own were you in last?​

Who was last to tell you "I love you"​?​
Can't remember.

Is there​ someo​ne from your past that you'​re still​ attac​hed to?
Not really.

Do cocky​ peopl​e annoy​ you?
No, ego keep them away.

Doesn​'​t it suck when reall​y intel​ligen​t peopl​e get addic​ted to drugs​?​
Don't care for it.

Alright, perfect time! Now back to work!

Long, long...

Hello! How's everyone? Hope you're enjoying the weekend. As for me, I had long, long, LONG~~~ Friday! So I made today short to catch some sleep. LOL I think, I've always wrote in the line that "I didn't get to sleep this week" or "I only had 3 hrs of sleep" or something like that a lot. Maybe I need to do "Sleeping" more often. LOL But today, I've bit of time and going sleep early tonight, I gonna have bit of run down on what happened to me recently.

Yesterday (Friday) I had a nightmare and blast at the same time. First, I had a lunch hang out with few of my friends at Japanese restaurant called "Koko's Kitchen" at Noon, but I totally forgot and woke up 11:40am!!! To get to that restaurant from my house is about 20mins drive, I haven't even taken shower yet!!! So I was about 10~15mins late, but they were more forgiving then I am, so they forgave me. LOL I gotta say, their Ramen is so good~~~~!

Had few chit chat, but I had to head to work... Not the Mech one, he got new job and that's keeping him really busy (Thank you, to his Boss). Anyways, we had one co-worker called in "Sick" (cough,cough,bs,cough,cough). Tuedays, he put his 2 week notice. His excuse was "I've sprained my ankle and I'm going to see the Doc right now." He was lucky that I didn't answer the phone, cuz if I did, I would of replied "Oh okay, if you don't bring back the Doctor Note, I won't count as pay sick leave and count as bluffing." Why am I so heartless? Cuz this guy have done it so many times that now, it's impossible to believe his words now.

So we had really busy, busy work... but somehow I've survived through it and next was the Big hang out!!! I had plan this hang out over 2 weeks ago! We had over 17 ppl came. Some flaked out, some brought their friends. So it evened it out. First we went to BBQ house and man! They got some good ribs! I had was boneless rib sandwich, and sauce was bit of spicy side (I'm not good at spicy food anymore), but I couldn't stop eating! It was really good.

When we got out of restaurant, we noticed whole place was full of SNOW!!!! Yes, another snow storm has hit! Snow wasn't that bad, BUT before snow, we had massive rain was pouring down that made the road more icy! We saw few cars that slipping on the road, but over all everyone got to next place without any problem.

So next we went was Bowling & Pool place! We had few girls didn't wear socks and 1 broken shoulder guy and 1 shoulder that is healing and can't carry heavy weights... So instead of bowling we played Pool! Cuz we had so many ppl came, we had to break it up in 2 tables. It was a lot of fun...

But due to more guys on the group (11 guys 6 girls), after Pool we had to hit the arcade. LOL And of course, we didn't play simple fun game, guys have chosen, who's the "Toughest" guy game: Punching Machine! So game is simple: Put 50cents and punch hardest as you can and see how hard you can hit. The Top score they had was 9128. Few mins, we did some warm up punches and got 8200~8900. Believe it or not, most of the girls were hitting 7000~8700 (8700 cuz she is taking Martial Arts from my friend Joel & Jake). And some was used his head (well more like, I made him... but that's small part of the story) and amazing enough, he got 7900 for it! Few mins into this game top score from us was 9024 from Joel, but I couldn't let him have all the attention... so spent few bucks (cough,cough,5,cough,cough) and I became the top of the group of 9060! Now, I'm kinda regretting that I did it, cuz my wrist are in bit of pain. LOL

After that Manly game, we played Air Hokey! This gonna be sound stupid, but I've only lost once in my life time... Til today, I've lost to my buddy! Now, I've lost Twice in my life time so far! BUT I've beaten others without problem!

It was getting late, so we broke up into 2 groups. First group were the young ones and ppl had work Saturday... and Second group were the old ones with don't have work Saturday~~! I was on 2nd group (cuz of OLD lol)... and we did same thing as last movie hang out we had. I was wake til 6 in the morning and woke up around 8 in the morning!

Now, left with bit of wrist pain on my right and sleepy head. LOL, but it's sure was fun! Not sure when we gonna do it again, cuz a lot of ppl who came is extremely busy! But Maybe gonna do it again on summer time!

oh before I go, here's a pic that my friend drawn and I've edited and colored. Yes, I'm sorry, I'm still working on Miha's drawing! It's coming along really well! Hopefully I can UL by tomorrow or Monday! I'll see you guys tomorrow!

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2000 hits!

So yesterday, after reading some of comments, I found out that I have hit over 2000 views on my world (blog)! When did this happened? I thought, few weeks ago I drawn for a 1000 hits...

It's amazing how fast blog view goes up! But I think, it wouldn't happened without you, my friends. All of you who is viewing and commenting on my blog.

Today, I was checking how many pages of blog did I wrote in this site... And I found out that, I did total of 23! I've been member of this site since June or July of this year (somewhere in Summer time). I think, that's pretty good for a guy that don't like to write journal. LOL

Anyways, now this drawing done, back to Ten-chan's request! It's coming along okay... I wouldn't say good, cuz Kimono is pretty hard to draw! LOL but my goal is to make it by this weekend! So keep on look for it, Ten-chan.

After that, I have one more request by Innocent Heart, so I'll work on it after ward.

When you have chance check out my the Thank you pic! LOL
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Again, thank you to all my friends on theO!