Pretty much all my daily event and rants. I'll try to update much as I can
- Created By ichitaka05
Testing out...
Just testing out the Formspring codes... if it works try em out, if not... I'm fixing it right now, so please be patient
Hm... looks like that code does work here, sorry but gotta manually go to my site.
Hello~ How's everyone doin'? How's the classes? Any plan for 4 day weekend? As for me, I'm lil un-happy? Not quit there to be mad... but not happy either. Why? I'll write it in the sec... but as for now let's start w positive news first.
News is, some of you might of saw in my FB comment that, I finally bought digital camera. It's simple P&S (point & shoot) camera. It has 14.1mp and there isn't much feature, but it's easy to use. I gonna be taking a lot of pic when I go Japan this month.
Next news, I thought soccer season was over for me this yr... but I was wrong. One of my friend is in some kind of outdoor soccer league (nothing big, just local family league) and their team is lacking players, so he ask me if I wanna join. Which by all means I don't mind, cuz I do enjoy playing soccer. I decided to check their game out and meet their team leader, if I can join the game... plus I wanna try out my new digital camera out and went to their game to see how it looks like on Wednesday. As I have suspected, it's pretty much easy/relax two 20mins game. Most of the players are beginner or around that level (I'm not saying, I'm pro), so it's just for fun. I met w the leader and he didn't even ask any question and said "Yeah sure, just get his #." and left... I guess, that means I'm in? lol so I'll be playing soccer for another 3 weeks. Game is every Wednesday (iirc), so 8th, 15th, 22nd, & so on, but I'll only make it those first 3 games. Why? Cuz on 23rd, I'll be flying to Japan. Yes, I'll be playing on 22nd! I'll be sleep all the way to Japan, so mind as well play on 22nd.
Now, for the negative news. I'm not sure some of you saw my recent art challenge. I drawn few. Haven't comment or hug or fav? NP, when you guys have time check it out. Anyways, I did one of MGS (Metal Gear Solid) challenge to draw a chara from MGS series. I decided to draw Sniper Wolf... but she was tough chara to draw, so I went w cute Psycho Mantis. Yes, I did write "cute" in front of Psycho Mantis. lol Yesterday, I receive a comment from the creator of that challenge written "That's okay. I was hoping for Screaming Mantis (MGS4)." and that's it... Really? That's all you gotta say? Now, I'm not saying, I did awesome Psycho Mantis drawing or anything (it's simple, yet stylish drawing). No comment bout actual drawing itself or anything. Just "oh I hoping Screaming Mantis"?!?!?! THEN MAKE THE DAMN CHALLENGE MGS4! I'm not favor of comment like that. It irritates me badly. If it was horrible drawing and put the reason why he/she don't like it then, that's totally fine. But that was totally lame comment. Sad to say, but prob gonna take it off the drawing and re-UL em as regular drawing and not in the submission.
Hm... this became long blog, sorry. Well hope everyone has awesome 4 day weekend. I might go camping... but see how it goes.
Hello~! How's everyone's weekend goin'? As for me, I'm dead exhausted from work... but at the same time, I'm happy!
Why am I happy? Today, some of you read my fb knows that I play soccer Friday and Sunday. Today was last Friday, cuz most of my friends/co-workers go back to school. Decided that this month is last month to play soccer, so we only have one more game left. As always every Friday we go to the park, there's a group of players that always practice near where we play (they paid the coach for practice). Few weeks back (more like a month ago), their coach ask me (somehow, I became captain of my team?) if we wanted to play... but back then we weren't that great of shape and most of us didn't have gears to play against them... so I decline (nicely). Today, we only had 6 ppl came to and kinda wanted to see how's our skill level. Perfect enough their captain or their leader ask if we wanna play against them. Without asking my friend (which kinda feel sorry for), I said "Sure, we don't have enough player too, so it'll be good." As I thought, mind as well go out with a bang. lol So we played 7 on 7 (they gave one player)
We played half (20mins each) and first half amazingly we had 2 goals! Of course, those goals weren't easy goals. They didn't go down that easy, after 15mins playing they made a goal. After half-time, we made another goal (lucky one, but still a goal). Right after that (less than a 2 mins later) they score a goal. Bout 10mins in they brought a another player in the field (so make it 7 vs 8), also they had few extra player on the side that often they change em out... while I couldn't. Other team had great offense, passes, skills than most of our team. I would say 75% of the time, they had the ball. Last 1 min, they were putting last sprint and try to make another goal and in the end... WE WON!
I wouldn't say, we were better than them. By all means no, we weren't. BUT Goddess of Victory was on our side tonight and won with 3-2. All my teammates were keeping their position and did a lot more than I expected. Yes, I was kinda... well really bossy in the game, but it did kinda help out. I don't want to bored everyone w my bragging of victory. I'm happy that we won, but I'm more happy bout how my friends who don't have real soccer game or league experience other than playing for fun on summer break did so well against those player who play whole yr around.
Anyways, other updates are...
1. Haircut! Yes... I cut my hair~~. I wanted to cut my hair for long time, but I was broke (due to plane ticket), so I couldn't, but finally I did! I wanted to cut my hair like Ryu (from Kimi ni Todoke)... but I chickened out, but I do have my hair shortest for the longest time. I really am enjoying the hair cut. Sorry, I don't have any pic... but maybe later (who knows)
2. Challenge. I might enter art challenge, which is due tonight. I do have a rough outline so need to start color. HOPEFULLY I'll submitted by tonight.
I think, that's pretty much it. Sorry, other updates were really short. Hope everyone have nice weekend.
it's really there...
Hello~ How's everyone doin'? As for me... tired. I wish Monday didn't come. lol
Anyways, anyone watching Asobi ni Ikuyo? If you're, you might of notice how story is in Okinawa Japan. Yesterday I was watching Episode 7 and notice few place I have seen before... so I dig up pics that I've taken when I visited my family in Okinawa and found few of em that are a like.
and here's pic I've taken of that rock
Now on the beach in AsoIku
and here's pic again...
The day I went, weather wasn't great so it's not a great pics, but it was nice place! I'll be goin' back to Japan end of next month for 5 weeks, so I can't wait!
Anyways, gotta get ready soon.
... in the rain
Hello~ long time no hear from me. lol How's everyone doin'? How's the weather over there? As for here, it rained... but it's sunny and now raining lil bit again.
Anyways, it's gonna be another quick update from me.
Currently I want to enter one of the challenge... but I'm still in debate to enter or not. If I do enter, I gotta start work on it ASAP!
Been busy w a lot of stuff. Hopefully mid of Sept, it'll slow down. Still am playing soccer and will be playing today (in hr or so).
Sorry, got hungry so made some Yakisoba~. I think, I put too much sauce, o'well
Gotta get ready for soccer soon. Yes, we'll be playing in the rain! lol Anyways, hope everyone have good rest of the weekend.