
Just quick update on some stuff.

Samba de Amigo vol 2
I've finished editing the vol 2 vid of Samba de Amigo~. I think, it came out really well... I've UL to my facebook and almost all my friends enjoyed it. No, I don't have any intension to UL in Youtube. Why? Few of my friends who weren't in the first vid don't want any pic/vid of her, out in public (shy). So sadly, vol 2 vid was only UL in facebook and only saw by my friends. I was tempted to make another ver... but didn't have time.

Ready to kill my mouse or pc (one or the other)
Recently, my wireless mouse have been really making me angry. Every time plug it in, it automatically hold Ctrl key system (idk) and next thing I know, my pc start to freak out. I thought it might be battery is dying, so change it to new battery... doesn't help. It's been like this for... 4~5 days now. I'm bout the snap mouse or the pc in half. lol I haven't try my tablet, so I'm praying that it's safe.

2 drawing is almost done.
I'm actually working on 4 projects right now (3 drawing & 1 WP)... one of em is due tomorrow, so I'm working hard to finish it. Along with other project. I'm hoping that I'll finish it by tonight... see how it goes.

Anyways, that's my quick update. Hopefully this weekend is more relax than last weekend, so I can breath. Hope everyone has nice week~!
