Hello~ it just pass midnight here. Why am I still wake? Cuz I am Owl. j/k lol
Well to start off, I just finished the drawing and UL it!!!! Yay~ I'm so happy. This drawing is for the Drawing Challenge that is held by miableachgirl. Title is ?HYDE?. So Pretty much you just draw a HYDE from L'arc~en~Ciel.
This drawing took me least amount of time... but went through 4 different drawing before I got it right. You know, it's really hard to make real person into anime/manga chara. lol Specially when that person has millions of different hair style... that means you have to make that person a that person in anime is by face... which isn't my fav part to draw. Also I'm type of person that doesn't like to submit the drawing first. I like it more towards the end... but looks like no one was submitting it (even thou still have few weeks til Deadline), so before I forget about it, I have submitted it.
So Creator have interesting scoring system:
Joined Contest: 20 pts
Drawn: 40 pts
Colored: 10 pts
Background: 25 pts
Initialed, watermarked, or signed: 5 pts
Total: 100 pts
...now, I have joined the contest & Initialed/Signed, so at least I'll get 25 pts for sure (so I hope). I'm not sure how much points I can get from other areas. What everyone think? Whoever get close to the creator's point (by +-5), I'll take your drawing request. lol
Anyways, I'll be working on another challenges (2~3 of em), so hopefully you'll see me around here more often.
Good night to all and GL to everyone's HW, quiz, reading, and all other fun stuff @ school.